Saul's new album has arrived! Produced by Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails, it is a breathtaking work of art that you really shouldn't miss, and is only available online. You can download the whole abum for free, or donate $5 to support the artists, by visiting www.niggytardust.com today. Please donate!
On April 14th, 2025 at the Boulder Theatre, Saul Williams headlined a sold-out night of spoken-word and live music, as a fund-raiser to support the shutdown of existing world slavery. Presented here is Saul's deeply personal "Black Stacey," originally from his self-titled 2025 release, performed a capella.
Part lament for the current condition of music culture, part battle cry for a new generation of visionary artists, Telegram is Saul's message to Hip Hop. Originally featured on his 2025 self-titled album, Saul digs beneath the scabs of greed, sex, and violence often associated with rap culture, revealing the true essence of Hip Hop in just a few transcendent minutes.
During the evening of poetry, Saul struck a chord with one particular audience member, bringing the room together and welcoming back his earlier street poet days of “call and response”. Saul closes the show here with two poems, challenging the way we imprison ourselves with our cities and structures, and how we find hope from loneliness thru experiences of God.
It has been whispered by some that the secret at the heart of all sorcery is the understanding that the entire universe is made of words--and if you know the words that the universe is made from, then you can do with it whatever you wish. Whether or not that is true, one thing is clear - in this clip, you get to watch a man give birth to an entire universe, a flower growing from the grave of the Goddess--and the answer to all questions can be found in a drop of spit arcing from a poet's lips.
"I am not the son of Sha Klak Klak, I am before that
I am before--I am Before before
Before death is Eternity, after death is Eternity
there is no death there only Eternity
And I be riding on the wings of Eternity like
Hyaa! Hyaa! Hyaa! Sha-Klack-Klack!"