On December 12, 2025, at Historic Sweet's Ballroom in Oakland, California, visionary artist Alex Grey and electronic music composer Kenji Williams joined together for an evening of poetry, music, and visual art dedicated to integral consciousness and art. The event, called World Spirit, culminated in a DVD which Ken Wilber has called "a beautiful, brilliant, exhilarating multimedia presentation of sacred art and music."
 Artist's Prayer ( 05:34 )
Broadband  |  Dialup  |  Download WMV  |  iTunes/iPod 9/20/2004

The event was produced by Eric Kalabacos and his production company Magnetic Presence. This integrally-informed creative and business endeavor aims to produce media for an integral audience and to be a laboratory for innovative approaches to business, the arts, and the contemporary expression of profound knowledge and wisdom.

We are thrilled to share selections from the World Spirit DVD, and invite you to experience its truly sacred creativity in all its depth and beauty.

 Progress of the Soul ( 05:18 )
Broadband  |  Dialup  |  Download WMV   10/25/2004