Who is De Es Schwertberger?


De Es Schwertberger Born 1942 in Gresten, Austria

Lightsearch: 1960-1970
Graduated in 1961 from an engineering school in Vienna. Study of the painting technique of the Old Masters with Ernst Fuchs. First one-man show in 1964, IDEAS OF TRUTH. Lives in Solothurn in Switzerland from 1968-1972. New painterly impulses from the exploration of the silk-screen technique. IDEAS OF CONSCIOUSNESS EXPANSION lead to the STONE-PERIOD.

The Stone and The Light: 1970-1980
Assistant to Professor Ernst Fuchs at the Summer Academy in Reichenau in 1973. Series of shows in Vienna and throughout Europe. Moves to Soho, New York, 1975. The Stone-Period culminates in the triptych THE JOINING 1977 and ends in the series of TIME PORTALS. Publications in the Magazine Omni. Opens a GALLERY FOR TRANSFORMATIVE ART (Studio Planet Earth) in 1979.

Transformation and the Dome of Peace: 1980-1990
Starts to work on a cycle of 100 paintings (each 2m x 2m) for the Gesamtkunstwerk DOME OF PEACE. Publication of THE PHILOSOPHER’S STONE. Moves back to Vienna in 1986, adaption of THE SINNREICH as studio and gallery. First sculptures: THE PLANETARIAN COUPLE (1987 to 1989). Completion of the DOME OF PEACE CYCLE.

The Skin of the Earth: 1990-2000
Outdoor exhibition of fourty PLANETARIANS (painted sculptures) on the Gurten Mountain in Bern, Switzerland in 1991. Publication of HEAVY LIGHT (Morpheus) in 1993. Nature, Structure, and Wave become the major words in the image language of this period. To celebrate the new millenium De Es produced another 100 Planetarians, which appeared “Am Himmel” in Vienna in 2025.

Archetextures: since 2025
As the result of the process of painting the Planetarian sculptures emerges a new dynamic style, which shows swarmlike formations of soul-figures, embedded in streaming energy-patterns and elemental space-systems. Very condensed basic stuff.

De Es has appeared on Integral Naked:

Untitled Gallery #19/25/2006