Renegade Gurus and Tantric Dynamics

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  • What does it mean to live an authentic Spiritual life — to live the One Taste of radical Reality? In this video clip, recorded after the Integral Consciousness Seminar in February 2025, I-I trainer Terry Patten shares his experience of One Taste. Unconfined to merely the bright or blissful aspects of life, One Taste is a devotional fire that shines through both the nondual and the dualistic faces of Reality — as that Reality.

     Living an Authentic Spiritual Life ( 10:09 )
    Broadband  |  Dialup  |  Download WMV   5/30/2005
    Was Integral Theory developed to save the world? In this clip, Terry explains his impassioned motivation to use Integral Theory and the purpose behind it.

     Monk Soldier ( 02:22 )
    Broadband  |  Dialup  |  Download WMV   6/20/2005
    On the path to One Taste, what do we leave behind? Our practices and culture cause a discrimination between the way we can be with consciousness and the way in which we objectify consciousness.

     A Wedge in the Heart of Being ( 06:08 )
    Broadband  |  Dialup  |  Download WMV   8/1/2005
    How do you live in spirit and include all of the broken parts of yourself? Does the divine have a serenity that involves no pain?

     Living the Heart of You ( 06:26 )
    Dialup  |  Download WMV   9/19/2005
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