The Sangama concludes...

Dear Friends,
Early last week, I arrived in a small town outside of Barcelona, Spain to participate in the Sangama of Christian theologian, Raimondo Panikkar. Sangama is a Sanskrit word meaning to come (gama) with (san) or, "to come together." I must say, I had hoped that I could blog and post pictures fresh from the oven, so to say, but, alas, I had very little access to internet.
The Sangama concluded today. Father Panikkar had invited 12 leading scientists and religious figures to discuss the topic "The Vision of Reality in Science and Religion." I had the honor to present AQAL to the group--it was well received and certainly relevant to the topic!
Back to ISC, this week we are featuring Ken's "Road Rules" for participation in online communities. We think these will provide a solid foundation on which the Integral Community online can grow and prosper! We'll return to the chapters of Integral Spirituality next week, and stay tuned for conference calls on these chapters, coming soon. Also this week, we are moving along to transcendent voices
in the Big Mind series from the ISC Inaugural Event.
My time in Spain ends in a few days and soon I will be back in the mountains of Boulder, CO. After my return I would love to share more of my experience at the Sangama and until then, many blessings to you all!