This Week on Integral Spiritual
Trinity & Trikaya - Ken Wilber and Friends
Integral Spirituality Chapter 4: States and Stages - Ken Wilber
Tozan's Five Ranks - Genpo Roshi

Hi Everybody!
Today was a wonderful day for some of us II staff members here in Bouder, CO. We had a most blessed opportunity to hang out with two beloved ISC teachers, Ken Wilber and Alan Wallace. They had a superb, wide-ranging discussion on all things integral and spiritual.
This week check out our first ever audio offering at! Trinity & Trikaya is a fascinating discussion between Ken and a number of I-I trainers on the Christian notion of Trinity and the Buddhist notion of Trikaya, and the uncanny parallels they share.
Also, we continue with States and Stages, Chapter 4 of Integral Spirituality. Get ready - the first live IS discussion with Ken is scheduled for August 12! Check the Integral Spirituality library page for details on how you can participate.
And finally, from the ISC Inaugural Event, we're featuring Tozan's Five Ranks, a sort of Big Picture of Big Mind. Enjoy...and have a great week!