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The Collective Subtle/Causal "Energy Grid"

Last post 02-05-2007, 8:05 AM by Helene. 55 replies.
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  •  12-10-2006, 5:08 PM 16298

    The Collective Subtle/Causal "Energy Grid"

    Tamgoddess wrote:

    Wild conjecture, feel free to scorn it:

    I and several people I know have been in a hugely deep funk for reasons seemingly unrelated to Ken's ill health. (It started before I even knew he was in the hospital) Did our causal body undergo some huge depression because Ken's consciousness or energy was somehow unavailable to us?

    Who knows?




    Well, I would put it a different way. We are holons, and we are all linked holonically. When we form relations, we form new holons (the relation is a whole unto itself, but a part of the wholes relating) and new holonic connections and, for lack of a better way of putting it, we strengthen the links and connection and give them more power and transfer of energy. (I guess exactly like plugging, say, our computers into the wall, we form an energetic relationship with the power grid, the power company and then, right now, with each other.)


    No doubt whatsoever that depth of holonic relations is a very real and very powerful reality.  And also that the subtle energies themselves transfer, strengthen and, yeah, I guess form something quite akin to a "power grid." To me, that is exactly why our simple "unconnected" support, a simple good though, supportive prayer, even a wish, matters and can make a difference. (Though I am not really suggesting that we "healed" Ken in this case-clearly we must give credit to the medical profession and to the actual drug for causing it in the first place . . . although I guess we could speculate in a number of directions in various ways. )


    In reverse, it works the same with both positive and negative energies.


    To address specifically the direction you asked – There is no question we are all attracted here through/to/originally because of the depth (of energy, consciousness) made manifest in the individual human being of Ken Wilber – through his meditative practices, progress and advancement, manifest (gross/exterior) realization (and also his willingness to share it –which I want to make sure to add in there because God knows he does not have to). This depth is our own ultimate depth-Ken’s I-I is mine is yours-and so . . . through this person we are attracted “home” in the wild dance of manifest reality . . .


    There are other complicated issues with regard to this specifically-being “plugged-in” to one individual’s “power station”-but I’ll save that for later if the conversation continues, although I would like to say something at the end.


    My take on a lot of this has been more along the idea of the collective “energy grid” and the waves traversing through it, no doubt in some strong relation o Ken, but not 100% him specifically. (He’s subject to the collective energy grid too!-and I think there are a lot of “power stations’ on this grid; some or many, unconsciously . . . to be honest, that was actually my original worry this weekend! i.e. We’re killing him. That’s not to be taken lightly IMHO, but I have to say . . . I am continually amazed at how this man handles all of this . . . )


    I think -as I said on zaadz-there is no question that this, our shared "power grid" has had some serious subtle waves of distress transferring back and forth and rippling out and back again; to quote the "late" Iconoclastes "a wildly circuitous affair" where the net result is these overall waves of unpleasantness, negativity, etc. causing confusion, malaise, lack of positive energy, etc. and depending upon how we are related to and able to handle that, in one way or another to some varying degree we are all effected/affected.


    The only thing I would say after all of that is that while it is good to recognize these sorts of subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) energies traversing this particular "power grid" we all still have our own individual power grids, super-inter-connected to all of the various relations in our lives that also do not in any way have any direct relationship to and with -what I'll call here-"the I-I/Ken Wilber power grid."


    Meaning, not necessarily is the cause of difficulties in our own individual lives, necessarily related to difficulties at I-I or with Ken or in the overall community, etc. The only way to really know is just to simply get more in touch with subtle energies (and their continually changing "weather) and that takes a lot of time, practice and experience.


    So, to be as specific as possible, I myself, as I said, have felt these certain "waves" and know I have been affected by them -for a long time. But I also do not see them having any affect whatsoever that I can detect on all other aspects of my life. It has, however, had some effect on how I relate to those areas and the energy available within me to do so. THAT, I find interesting and find the inspiration/energy available in the "II etc. power grid" to be something simply invaluable and sacred (when it's really rockin').


    Last note, however, that could be completely different for someone other than me. Absolutely, it is possible I think that someone could, say, have all there shit hit the fan and that could be in many ways the primary cause.


    I suppose it all has to do with "energy management" and control and so on. And that, as always, requires the requisite consciousness and practices.


    One extremely very important point, that IMHO is an inevitable and necessary lesson for all who would travel down the spiritual path: especially in the beginning, it is both natural and all too easy to become dependent upon “someone else’s power station.” Jesus says ths in the Bible. He finally commands a crowd of lepers and peple demanding healings (from his “power station”) to “heal yourselves!”


    If my completely falls apart because, say, Ken Wilber’s does . . . that could be dependency. And that is an essential lesson upon the path. Members of a Sangha must not become dependent upon each other or lean to heavily upon one another or (ultimately not at all) because, if one falls, we all fall. (And if the rest stay standing when one falls, well, there ya go, with the help to get lifted back up!)


    In other ways, yes, I think it is absolutely possible that unknowingly and unconsciously, yeah the shit could hit the fan in otherwise unrelated holonic relationships. But I do think this can be mastered with time, experience, practice, and “energy management.”


    All of this, is at least my individual perspective.

    "With whom or with what are you in communion at this moment?"
    . . ."I?" he replied, almost mechanically. "Why not with anyone or anything."
    "You must be a marvel . . . if you are able to continue in that state for long."
    -Constantin Stanislavsky
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  •  12-10-2006, 7:17 PM 16306 in reply to 16298

    Re: The Collective Subtle/Causal "Energy Grid"


    i'm having a hard time following what you're trying to tell us here. maybe it will sort itself out in the course of this thread. but your impassioned post at i-i-zaadz certainly got through to me, and i really thank you for saying something that needed to be said.

    i'm from an older generation. i simply trust that, with our patience and our support, i-i and ken will work things out. of course, they're attempting to do something that's never been done before. so what else is new? isn't that the way it's always been? in the ever present moment?

    it's truly unfortunate about steve brazee, but he doesn't appear to me to have been up to the challenge ken laid in his lap. will someone else be up to it? maybe i should be asking, how can we help? imo, the CEO will be in charge not just in building up the LR, but with ken's help, of facilitating i-i's LL growth to turquoise, and, truly, nothing like this have ever been done before. it can't be done in terms of present business know-how.

    if i'm getting off the thread, i plead ignorance.


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  •  12-11-2006, 1:10 PM 16344 in reply to 16298

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    Re: The Collective Subtle/Causal "Energy Grid"

    Perhaps our "holonic" connection is also like the connections that cells in the body have to one another.  If so, consciousness is indirectly (and sometimes directly) interdependent parts of a whole self.  This might explain why one can be in pain when a loved one a state away suffers.  Synchonicity and Chaos.. the orderly mess.


    glad to hear ken is getting better.

    connecting with you @:
    source of miracles

    Integral hacker
    gnostic Rob @ myspace
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  •  12-12-2006, 6:01 AM 16373 in reply to 16298

    Re: The Collective Subtle/Causal "Energy Grid"


    There are other complicated issues with regard to this specifically-being “plugged-in” to one individual’s “power station”-but I’ll save that for later if the conversation continues, although I would like to say something at the end. 

    I'd like to hear more on that Tim.

    "Power grids", subtle/causal energies and how human beings (holons) can connect in a non-local way is a fascinating subject. In the relationships thread I asked about right quadrant correlations to the LL we-space, and I dare say that this is what your post is exactly about.

    The most powerful healing session I have received was from another continent by a person I still have never met face to face. But the intention to connect was there from both ends and that was all that was needed. So I believe intention is a crucial component to be discussed alongside the "power grid" concept and that is of course what you are already doing Tim.

    When we post in this forum, the Zaadz forum, or even just lurk and read Ken's books we hook ourselves up to this we-space / these we-spaces, and I believe this happens whether we consciously want it to or not. As in any we-space or energy connection we bring our shadow as well as skills/qualities to the table. So my take on it is that we might as well connect to the power grid in a conscious fashion and with an awareness of our intentions behind the action, lack of action, thoughts, etc that we project into the we-space.

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  •  01-04-2007, 10:58 AM 17697 in reply to 16373

    Re: The Collective Subtle/Causal "Energy Grid"

    Folks, one day I do intend to get back to this thread! But for now -and perhaps what will bring that inspiration about-are some interesting thoughts, comments and study on this thread. Scroll up the page to get the full context and read the full article being commented on.

    Peace, Tim

    "With whom or with what are you in communion at this moment?"
    . . ."I?" he replied, almost mechanically. "Why not with anyone or anything."
    "You must be a marvel . . . if you are able to continue in that state for long."
    -Constantin Stanislavsky
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  •  01-04-2007, 5:39 PM 17733 in reply to 17697

    Re: The Collective Subtle/Causal "Energy Grid"

    Okay, so here's the part of the article on the above linked thread I am interested in here:

    "Where contact is episodic, groups sometimes oscillate between two basic kinds


    of consciousness. This recently occurred on a small isle in the Eastern Andaman


    after it became the target of rapid tourism development. Initially the tourism was


    very seasonal. Boats then were small and it was difficult for visitors to arrive in the


    "season of the storms." My field trip in the summer of 1995 was specifically to


    examine mood, temperament, and state of mind in that season.


    Upon arrival, to my dismay, I discovered new package tours bringing in a swarm


    of tourists from Korea and Taiwan—a daily four hour blitz. Between 10:30 and 11:00


    AM, four to seven modern cruise ships were bringing over a thousand of these new


    tourists—quite a lot for an island where the native population was in the hundreds.


    Anthropology of Consciousness (8( 1)]


    The ships all debarked at 2:30 PM , leaving the island people quite to themselves again.


    It seemed that what I'd come to see was gone, and I actually had my foot on a


    boat to go to a less affected isle when I paid enough attention to a fluctuation in island


    temperament I'd been dimly sensing. It was in fact a daily flipping back and forth of


    general island consciousness. When all the ships hove in, island consciousness would


    jerk and twist a bit, then become defensive, arbitrary and aggressive, not just


    regarding tourists but in general. When the fleet pulled out, it flipped again,


    ponderously this time, but just as amazingly, back to what it was. Aggressive tensions


    faded, and subtle affect again branched out. I would never have anticipated a daily


    flip'flop of island consciousness. I'd never heard of such a thing. Theoretically it


    seemed impossible. But it was clearly there, and on schedule. Once I paid attention


    to it, it stood out clearly. A temporary fluke to be sure, thanks to Bangkok travel


    barons eager to get new ships in action. It may be a one time only happening. I don't


    expect to see it again next year."



    So, is what he is talking about here perhaps a heightened sensitivity to psychic-affective "weather?"


    "With whom or with what are you in communion at this moment?"
    . . ."I?" he replied, almost mechanically. "Why not with anyone or anything."
    "You must be a marvel . . . if you are able to continue in that state for long."
    -Constantin Stanislavsky
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  •  01-04-2007, 10:00 PM 17744 in reply to 17733

    Re: The Collective Subtle/Causal "Energy Grid"

    Hi Tim and all.

    What follows is my own take on various aspects of the conversation and ideas here. I use my own layman's terms, because although at this point in my life I have now read mountains of books on lots of this stuff and can plug in, for example, Wilber's terms on some of it, some of it I only can, without strain, express in my own way that I worked out long before reading the books. I don't mean to say that the books didn't help or that I stopped evolving (goodness, no!), just that some of this has been with me a very long time, as you will see. So bear with my language, please. As I said, this is my own take, and has nothing to do with my own academic or other 'studies,' and therefore I make no claims about its accuracy beyond my own experience.

    I am able, when I want to, to see what I refer to as the energy 'tapestry' or web of life. The energies run through all of us, and connect us all, and are always interweaving, undulating, and moving. It all forms what I can only abstractly describe as the cutting edge of becoming, yet also forms our own bonds to each other. Yes, we do have our own individual 'power grids,' and yes we are all connected on a much, much larger scale. We do not have to 'drain' each other, although sometimes we do, because, when healthy, we all produce our own energies and there is abundant energy produced in nature all around us as well. But I do also sometimes see energy 'sink holes' when someone is very ill or running around doing harm to others. I also have seen what I refer to as 'tears' in the fabric of the energy tapestry, caused by great harm - serial murderers, that sort of thing. At a few points in my life I thought it was only my own imaginings or something, but having seen Alex Grey's work, having read so much on the subject and having talked to some other people who see some version of what I see, I am convinced it is real. I am also convinced that every human being alive has the potential to both draw energy from this web when needed and put energy into it when needed. I also think it is why 'prayer chains' work, and why we can have empathetic understanding of each other ...

    Anyway. On to the less abstract, sort of. Huh? [:^)]

    In another thread, Tim said, when referring to high levels of empathy that I had described, "I don't think that type of highly acute sensitivity is especially normal. Or rather, I have a feeling in both cases we are talking about an above average acute sensitivity. (Which could be just like, say, a child with acute musical sensetivites, later to be recognized as "talent," or a "gift" etc. that fewer people have.)"

    Well, actually I'm not sure either. Because of the web of energy, I think we are all able to plug into and experience others' emotions, but feeling and understanding them, and even the innate ability to 'plug in' without trying may be a talent. I don't know, because I was born with it, or at the least developed it by the time I was a toddler, and my kids were all born with it too. My grandmother once told me it ran in our family. But my kids, now grown, tell me they think everybody can do it, its not anything unique, its just a matter of how open someone wants to be. Since I learned and taught my kids techniques for opening up and shutting down empathy levels at will, I tend to think that maybe people just learn these defense systems so young that they put up walls and never take them down. I do know that any given time I put up my strongest defenses, I will soon all but forget about it, sort of resting, basking in the 'peace' until something happens to make me feel like I should have been paying empathetic attention, and then I have to work to consciously take my 'walls' back down. ... I don't know whether any of this makes sense to whoever is reading this or not...

    In more technical terms: studies tell us that if babies are not held and given adequate human physical contact, their ability to emotionally relate to and understand other humans becomes impaired. There is speculation, not completely without supporting evidence, that people who are so screwed up in their inability to empathize with others as to become criminally insane get that way at least in some cases because of said lack of physical contact when they are babies. My theory when my kids were babes was that the more I held them and kept constant contact with them the more empathy they would be able to develop. I was more successful in my ability to do this with my oldest two, because marriage and other problems during the early childhood of my second two caused me to have to work and otherwise often not be with my kids. My oldest two have the (apparently) strongest streaks of empathy, but the other two certainly do not lack it.

    Tim also said, "The reason I am saying all of this is that the subject fascinates me-I have actually considered a thread about it numerous times-because I am an individual who actually often "suffers" from such! I will literally take on other people's physical symptoms but with no conscious knowledge or intention of doing so."

    This is what I refer to as empathy...

    But Wilber says that empathy is learned at "high altitude." ... I think I know what he is talking about, and I think he is referring to something other than, but related to, what I am. I think that Wilber means the ability to really put yourself in another's place and understand them from within their perspective and emotions. You see, most people at most altitudes, when they look at someone else they might say, sure I understand, but what they are really doing is thinking about how they themselves would feel in that same situation, without really realizing that the other person in that situation may view it, feel it, experience it and react to it in a completely different way. To walk a mile in someones elses shoes is just not the same as being that someone else, walking that mile. First you have to really get that, then you have to be able to make the cognitive and emotional switch to see how it really feels to be the other.

    What I am talking about when I say "empathy," though, is the actual felt experience of someone else's emotions and/or physical sensations. It is usually not (thank god) felt with the same full intensity as the other person actually feels it, and may not be experienced, understood or related to in the same way, but enough to know, for example, that the other person is in pain or whatever and have some lesser sensation of what that pain feels like.

    I have learned a form of healing which is imperfect and does not miraculously heal or anything but does seem to sort of 'kick start' the other person's own healing processes. It requires me letting down my own defenses until I can feel quite a bit of the pain that the other person feels, and then sending into their body heightened energy surges from my own. The result is that the other person tends to feel better and after a few such session will usually begin to get better. But I can't sustain this - it wears me out physically.

    Back to what I have seen with my kids. One more true story and then I will quit as this is terribly long already. ... Embarrassed [:$]

    When my oldest was about 3 years old, one day he started crying for no apparent reason. I knelt down, held him and asked what was wrong. He said, 'the boy fell and his arm hurts real bad.' I checked my son's arm and then his brother's arm. Nothing. I asked my son to explain again. He quieted down, but said the same thing again. I just held him awhile until he felt better. The next day I read in the newspaper that that afternoon, about 2 blocks away, a little boy about 4 years old had fallen out of a tree and had a compound fracture in his arm. It was in the paper because the neighbor found him, lying there almost in shock, and his mother was no where to be seen. Turns out that the mother was napping, with the child asleep next to her by her own account, but apparently the child had woken up, quietly slipped outside and wondered off to climb the tree in the neighbor's yard.

    I have more I could discuss or tell, but your eyes are likely already drooping and wondering when this will end. Zip it! [:#] If interest continues, I'll return to the thread later.

    The power of private citizens to do public good is greater [now] than at any time in history. - Bill Clinton, 2025
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  •  01-05-2007, 1:15 AM 17750 in reply to 17744

    Re: The Collective Subtle/Causal "Energy Grid"

    This is great. Annie, what you said makes a lot of sense. And it wasn't too long, the words just flew by in a language that speaks volumes to me.  I  would  like to hear more, especially  about  your own techniques for shutting down empathy when needed.

    Thank you and everyone on this thread,


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  •  01-05-2007, 2:38 PM 17776 in reply to 17744

    Re: The Collective Subtle/Causal "Energy Grid"

    Thank you for sharing Annie. Very interesting reading. Everything you write makes sense to me and fits with what I believe. If you have more to share I will be eager to read it.

    I have learned a form of healing which is imperfect and does not miraculously heal or anything but does seem to sort of 'kick start' the other person's own healing processes. It requires me letting down my own defenses until I can feel quite a bit of the pain that the other person feels, and then sending into their body heightened energy surges from my own. The result is that the other person tends to feel better and after a few such session will usually begin to get better. But I can't sustain this - it wears me out physically.

    A girl I know had the exact same problem. She could naturally give healing, without having taken classes or being initiated. But she also became worn out from doing it and could even feel empty inside. I know some basic Reiki healing and gave her some pointers which apparently helped. So my advice is to get some instructions on how to channel energy from outside your own energy grid so you don't become worn out.
    That girl's healing powers were strong and I think it's a good chance that anyone who can heal without training can become very good at it.

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  •  01-05-2007, 3:06 PM 17777 in reply to 17776

    Re: The Collective Subtle/Causal "Energy Grid"

    Thank you, Pelle. If you'd like to post some pointers, I am very interested. I have had no training either. I have learned that I can pull energy from outside myself, but have only tried it a couple of times. [I haven't done any healing in the last several months for various reasons, mostly that I've have to heal an emotional rift within my own egoic self that has taken quite a bit of doing, but also due to the demands of my job.] Part of my problem is figuring out how to channel energy from sources not close by. For example, I have no problem when in or near a stand of redwoods, but when in someone's apartment in the middle of a city, well... so, pointers would be great.

    This next part is to Mascha and any other interested people.

    Hi Mascha, glad you joined in the conversation.

    Okay, my time is limited right now, but just in case you or someone else needs this, I am going to explain the quickest, easiest and safest way that I know of to block the physical sensations, emotions and/or thoughts of other people.

    First, though, my disclaimer: This is not the only technique and not the most effective in all situations. It also only works for those who are already empathetically "open," and therefore should not be used by those who are already challenged in their ability to connect with others empathetically. Finally, if you follow these instructions, follow each step. To leave out anything could cause you to discover that you have put up walls that you do not know how to take down.

    And a word about the technique itself: for the critics out there - no, I'm not 'new age' and I did not invent this one myself. But it works. Feel free to quibble about how and why, but please don't bother to tell me I don't know what I'm talking about unless you try it, and please don't try it unless you are empathetically open. For those who do try it, I'd love your feedback. I've only discussed this particular technique with members of my own family.

    Step one: rational visualization.
    (If you can already 'see' the web/tapestry of interconnected energy, this visualization is not necessary - simply open up and focus on it. If you can't see it, I'm asking you to imagine it. It's real, but it's sort of like asking you to imagine what atoms look like. You need the visualization to understand what we are doing. A parallel example would be that if we really were talking about atoms, then since you haven't learned how to use a microscope, so to speak, I'll ask you to construct a model of the atom in your head instead.)
    Something that might aid in this visualization is looking at pictures of some of Alex Greys work, here:

    Imagine a web of energy all around you. See it as criss-crosses and spirals of little light beams. Some of this energy comes from within you, some of it from without, but you are emeshed in, caught up in, all these criss-crossing and interwoven lines. This is not a "trap" like a spider's web, but rather a symbiotic relationship of interconnected energies. You both radiate and receive energy in a constant, pulsating pattern. Some of the energy you radiate is what we would normally call 'positive' energy, although in some ways all life energy is positive so the term is deceptive. I think the only true 'negative' (as in 'bad') energy is that which intends to harm and causes rips in the collective energy stream, but that is a different conversation. For now, assume (pretend) that all 'happy,' healthy energy is positive, and all sad or painful energy is negative. Given that, some of what you personally radiate is positive, some negative, because whatever you feel emotionally or physically does not stay contained wholely within you. It "leaks out" via the energy streams. Now, if you can understand that your own energies can be thus labeled as positive or negative in this manner, you should also be able to realize that energy flowing into you from others has both of these qualities as well.

    Step two: creating your own protective web. Take careful note of the necessary web 'qualities.' In other words, carefully read all of step two BEFORE you begin, and don't leave anything out!

    You will now create a protective web out of your own energy streams.
    Imagine that you can weave instantly with your fingertips a web of light that looks something like a fisherman's net. Reach above your head, eyes closed and begin to "spin" this web. Realize that you are in fact actually capable of doing this with your own internal energies, and your fingertips are a good focal point for the release of energy. (note, when I was first taught this and taught it to my kids I didn't use the 'fingertip' part of the technique - just mental visualization. I think it helps though, and I have since studied eastern philosophical thought, martial arts and healing ideas which suggest that these energies are easily manipulated with the fingertips.) You will work from above your head all the way down your body and then "seal" this web below your feet. CAUTION: You must visualize that the web you are creating has the following qualities:

    a) you can see and 'feel' and breathe out of and through your web. It is a transluscent web, not a solid shield.
    b) the web is completely under your own control. you can take it down and off any time you want to.
    c) the web allows you to keep out any energies that you do not want to let in, but you can selectively let any that you want to allow in to slip through. Again, you have full control.
    d) the web does not keep your own energies in. This can be done, but I do not recommend it until you are very well practiced and know what you are doing, because doing so has multiple effects and consequences that I do not want to go into here.

    Again, it is very, very important that you mentally give the web that you are creating all of these qualities. May sound silly, but to leave out any one of these qualities has dire consequences. Remember that this web is your own mental construct using your own very real internally generated energies, therefore you really can give it these qualities. You don't have to have 'faith' in these in order to make it work, but you do have to be open and understanding of this enough to actually visualize the qualities and work them into your web. If you can't, don't build the web. If you are what I call an "empath," (old star trek term Smile [:)]) you will quickly see the problems and regret it. The situation is not hopeless, you can fix it, but it will take more time and effort and you may find yourself distressed in the meantime. If you are not an empath, you will start to feel more isolated and 'cut off' from others and find yourself wondering why.

    Step three: managing your protective web.
    Don't just spin your web and forget it. You'll find yourself losing what empathetic abilities, latent or active, that you have and wondering months down the road what the hell happened. Do mental exercises at least once every day. Focus on someone near you that you love and imagine experiencing their emotions, physical sensations or whatever with them. Visualize allowing these feelings to pass unimpeded through your web. But, when experiencing pain or other unpleasant sensations, also experiment with mentally 'tightening' the protection of your web to block these out. It will take some practice and don't expect your web to be 'perfect' from day one. If it is too loose and weak, you may continue to experience pain from others that you don't want to experience. If it is too impermeable and strong, you will feel isolated and 'cut off.' You have to find your own balance and how best to mentally adjust your own web.

    A final note: I have learned that in arguments with loved ones, the frustration, anger and hurt bounces back and forth and magnifies. One of the very good uses of this particular web is that it allows you to block the portion of said negative emotions that are coming from the person you are arguing with instead of yourself, while still allowing the free back and forth flow of love and 'positive' emotions. This then allows you to focus only on calming yourself down. Once you are calm, it will have an immediate calming effect on the other person, so long as you are not blocking in your own feelings. If you are, the other person will suddenly feel isolated and cut off. Caution: Never cut off your own energy projections around kids until you have learned how to fully manage what you are doing. A young child will instantly feel as though you have 'disappeared' and become distressed. I speak from experience in my own much younger, inexperienced days.

    Good luck and peace,

    The power of private citizens to do public good is greater [now] than at any time in history. - Bill Clinton, 2025
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  •  01-05-2007, 3:52 PM 17780 in reply to 17777

    Re: The Collective Subtle/Causal "Energy Grid"

    Wow. Boy Annie I'm so glad I gave you the bait and hook! Big Smile [:D] That was really a fortunate coincidence since I had no idea this would be the result! Totally cool!!Yes [Y]

    I will come back with more later.

    Peace, Tim

    "With whom or with what are you in communion at this moment?"
    . . ."I?" he replied, almost mechanically. "Why not with anyone or anything."
    "You must be a marvel . . . if you are able to continue in that state for long."
    -Constantin Stanislavsky
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  •  01-05-2007, 6:32 PM 17787 in reply to 17780

    Re: The Collective Subtle/Causal "Energy Grid"

    BTW: absolutely the best visual depiction of the web/tapestry of life energy that I have ever seen:

    Also look at his "Progress of the Soul" paintings.


    The power of private citizens to do public good is greater [now] than at any time in history. - Bill Clinton, 2025
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  •  01-05-2007, 7:45 PM 17795 in reply to 17787

    • FireAngel is not online. Last active: 10-23-2007, 5:07 PM FireAngel
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    Re: The Collective Subtle/Causal "Energy Grid"

    Thank you for posting all that fantastic information.  I have used other methods in the past to help me feel (less or more) I will try this one!

    Now that I know I'm no wiser than anyone else, does this wisdom make me wiser? Hugh Prather
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  •  01-05-2007, 8:19 PM 17798 in reply to 16298

    • rholden is not online. Last active: 08-04-2007, 11:02 PM rholden
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    Re: The Collective Subtle/Causal "Energy Grid"

    "I and several people I know have been in a hugely deep funk for reasons seemingly unrelated to Ken's ill health. (It started before I even knew he was in the hospital) Did our causal body undergo some huge depression because Ken's consciousness or energy was somehow unavailable to us?

    Who knows?"

    I'm gonna go with, I know, and no. Could it be from one man in ill health, and not at all related to the hundred that die in Iraq or Sudan everyday? Or the fact that it's snowing outside and there's not as much sun light, or perhaps your lives aren't what you thought they might be? All feelings of sadness have sources from our lives, we just have to seek out the reasons.

    This idea would imply a non-local universe operating in a localized way, and things don't work this way. I wouldn't be suprised if a person got better if they were around hundred of people praying or meditation on compassion for all sentient beings, but I don't think that it could be localized. That person might feel better, but so would everyone else around.


    "The extreme complexity of man's emotional reactions to life finds necessarily its counterpart in his attitude to death." -Malinowski
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  •  01-05-2007, 8:58 PM 17802 in reply to 17798

    Re: The Collective Subtle/Causal "Energy Grid"

    It has to do with individual-level emotional attachments. If someone is more emotionally attached to Wilber than to the thousands in Iraq, that is what they will emotionally react to.

    And the universe is both local and nonlocal. We are both individual and collective. Both individually operating/thinking 'cells' and part of a larger body. Even your own witness is part of the whole and manifest within the individual 'you.'

    Again, I recommend Alex Grey - see above.

    Skepticism and inquiry and discussion are all welcome. But as a courtesy to others, please be careful with the "I know this and you are wrong" stuff. It can be thread-killing.

    And anyway, my own experience has been that what I "know" today oftens proves itself obsolete tomorrow.



    The power of private citizens to do public good is greater [now] than at any time in history. - Bill Clinton, 2025
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