Random Pictures for No Particular Reason
Last post 09-08-2008, 6:05 PM by integralboy. 360 replies.
04-25-2007, 4:15 PM |
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Re: Random Pictures for No Particular Reason
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04-25-2007, 4:15 PM |
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Re: Random Pictures for No Particular Reason
why bicycle shorts are black
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04-26-2007, 8:17 AM |
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Re: Random Pictures for No Particular Reason
A perfectly sunny summer's day foto-snapshot of two five year old brother's on their twoheelers, as she looks on them frolicking on the sidewalk out the kitchen window......
"Our bikes are a rocket ship!"
"Yah! want to ride to the moon!!?" - shouts back the otherone.
Twin brothers! they sure know how to share...One four-ish year old found a Smartie candy hiding under something on the kitchen counter..."can you cut it in half mommy?"![Angel [A]](../../../../../../Public/cs/emoticons/multiplex_subdomain/emotion-13.gif)
04-26-2007, 12:53 PM |
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Re: Random Pictures for No Particular Reason
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04-26-2007, 1:32 PM |
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Re: Random Pictures for No Particular Reason
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04-26-2007, 8:56 PM |
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Re: Random Pictures for No Particular Reason
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04-27-2007, 8:26 AM |
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Re: Random Pictures for No Particular Reason
Not kitties fav. moment eh?![Sad [:(]](../../../../../../Public/cs/emoticons/multiplex_subdomain/emotion-6.gif)
And speaking of not so fav. in grade one or two moment for my above mentioned son who 'never had another bad day at school' - soo forgot! One day he was cry-fuming - "they think I know everything, but I don't!"
![Music [8]](../../../../../../Public/cs/emoticons/multiplex_subdomain/emotion-29.gif)
When my mamma was dying was not at all my fav. time. I couldn't afford to travel. Three of my brothers did, and sister , who lives there were with her for the last horrible streach. We didn't even know she was terminally ill, till the last 6 or so weks before she died. Even my sister bec. she was visiting us here for a period of three months. She didn't want to say anything bec. she wanted my sis to have a worry-free visit-stay.
So? here's another , this time, a snapshot from 'another dimension' of life .........one night I awakened to mom's agony-filled loudly calling my name voice...I glanced at the radio clock ... "power must be out"... which didn't surprise me because it was raining earlier. The forcast called for a chance of thunderstorms-a momorable Youth Day occasion of the 2025 Popes' visit.
I began speaking to mom .... talking, as if she was next to me...for how long? a long time.
Later, glancing at the clock, realizing, the power was never out.
04-28-2007, 7:22 AM |
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Re: Random Pictures for No Particular Reason
Just because atoms can't be seen with the naked eye, doesn't make then any less real...'There is a field, I'll meet you there', this in- rough-qoute-gist , is the only 'Rumi' verse-line I am familliar with...back in the day, this seer didn't know one day physics will discover the 'Zero Point' , which enocompasses and organizes every virtual particle (unseen) in the universe.
And speaking of in-Field-meeting snap-shot .......few days after mom's passing I was in bed , on my right side zzzzzzing when I became aware of a tiny point of light which began 'growing' (fast) till there was nothing but light ... Elated , in my native tongue, I began chanting "Blessed Mother of God"... next , becoming aware of a presence behind me ... softly my mother's voice said my name. (the one she gave me, the one my fam. still calls me)
My sis , who lives on the other side of the big pond, was the first one I called to share the above 'mom moment'. "It was a dream". I didn't argue. She is very 'Catholic'.... which doesn't stop her from religiously lighting candles and taking flowers for her tomb , "because she knows it's for her".
I called next my oldest brother - he, who burried her and is not 'Catholic', whose 'Kindness' may as well be his religion - was grateful for my share. He was born in-home... in May, and father brought mom arms full of apple blossoms for the occasion
Next , youngest , nun-church going brother, who, none-the-less in his song-wrting / singing 'ponderings' is not shy to use the word "God", was pleased to hear it.
My mid-brother also nun-church going ... His religion may as well be Kindness too, said , "I was expecting a sign from her, guess she came to you bec. you were not there"
For almost a year or maybe longer? I heard , from time to time, mom's normal speaking voice during 'kundalini flaming' (energy releases) .. . Incredible tear - making afterwards , process phenomena that was...which I'm not going into any datail right now (been there done that) , but may as well mention her last heard , during very blissful 'flaming' , her very normal, very clear, very much 'ave-elated' - "and now wer'e flying to heaven" , voice.
04-28-2007, 9:53 PM |
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Re: Random Pictures for No Particular Reason
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04-28-2007, 9:57 PM |
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Re: Random Pictures for No Particular Reason
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04-29-2007, 7:01 AM |
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Re: Random Pictures for No Particular Reason
The 'Source Field' / God/ess is conscious , is our extended body .... it responds to our intent.....and on that : : a snapshot of adventure in consciousness.
"July 95 - Big room, lots of people - strangers I'm wandering around - no purpose. Next I'm in a hallway-type setting...a huge table - little girl standing on a far egde. The instant I fear she might fall she does. Don't see her fall over, but I knew she fell. Little boy crouching next to the table. looking down over the railing there's a void. Seems we are on a very high floor. My heart clutches with fear, panic. In a big room looking for the little girls parents nobody seems upset, nobody payes attention. I don't actually speak to anybody. Looking oustside, no sign of the little girl. I don't speak to anyone. Next I'm on a porch of sorts-there is a railing. Man and woman are there I can't seem to connect with them. I look out toward a lush jungle like setting. Step on the railing and step off to soar.. Amazing landscape. Incredible detail. Looking down on trees - seeing paths, indidvidual leaves - some yellow. (injecting, not noted - "hearing men's speaking voices") Everything completly effortless. All at once (zooming inside) .. dark ceiling comes down everything is murky ('squishi' and tunnel-like ) . I turn around without hesitation (more like "time to blast atta there!") . In an instant I'm flinging (square and wooden above me) weathered, heavy, french (style) door open and find myself on a boat. Several men there. Uncouth looking. My attention was on a whale like creature. (Next to the boat) Ennormous head above the water. (It's eyeball fixed on mine) Water, the color of green-white Niagara Falls quality - shining brightness. Without any conscious thought or effort I step on a wooden bench and step off of it into the air and (zoom-glide) away from the boat - c. 15 feet. (sooo sparkly blissss-lumionus color of this water!!!!!!) Took a turn toward the boat (raised my right hand in a 'benediction' gesture) and began doing (casting) the Reiki healing symbols. Felt Bliss!!!"
04-29-2007, 8:28 PM |
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04-29-2007, 8:40 PM |
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04-29-2007, 8:41 PM |
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04-29-2007, 9:20 PM |
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