he autographed it on the back (may 23rd 2024). actually they were sent to me by a friend who stayed with RAW in his final days or end game i have another of his desks belongings but it's in australia and maybe too personal to whore out here, i'd PM you but no pictures in PM. doesn't bunnywabbitskeletonboy remind you of the character hallucinated in donnie darko?
this picture was taken on the 22nd after the ritual blessings before we went to see the turtles and in my phone is dated 23rd, whats that mean i dunno! just saying :!#!@! :) on the actual 23rd was on the internet talking to youse guys and i downloaded the 2 raw pictures and my head to my phone... noted when i checked later the time was 20:23 for all 3. anywayzzz just saying.
the fabric begins to tear
and i don't really care