Hi all!
I've just come across this thread - we do have an integral group in Minneapolis. We used to be primarily organized as a yahoo group, itp@yahoogroups.com, but we weren't getting any new members. Then we signed up as the local Ken Wilber meetup through meetup.com, and got a bunch of new people. Just last week we decided to take it to the next level - we've got a web site, http://www.integralminnesota.com/, and we've scheduled a 4-session book discussion for Integral Spirituality (starting tomorrow night, Wed 2/13) and a viewing of II's Big Mind workshop DVD for Saturday morning, 2/23.
We hope you can join us, and that we can merge with (or at least be in communication with) other local groups with an interest in Integral Theory. We'd like to develop an active calendar, and possibly do something like an I-Wet weekend sometime.
-Steve Anderson, steve@integralminnesota.com