Update on Ken's Health
Last post 12-27-2006, 6:01 PM by Castel. 168 replies.
12-11-2006, 6:40 AM |
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Re: Update on Ken's Health
A candle has been lighted for Ken. God Speed, Ken.
JC 33° 13' N 87° 37' W
12-11-2006, 7:01 AM |
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Re: Update on Ken's Health
Sending love and prayers for your quick and full recovery and continued important work in this world.
You mean so much to me, and to so many!
Brian Levy on the island of Värmdö outside Stockholm
12-11-2006, 7:37 AM |
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Ken's health getting better!
Friends, we will send updates soon but Ken is getting better! Yeah!
I have one kind request of you all. Some of you receive emails (official or private) that are sent from Colin, Ken, etc through various lists that they use. I kindly request that they are not posted on the web unless they have already been posted by an II site or KW.com site.
We appreciate your cooperation very much.
Thanks, our dearest friends.
![Smile [:)]](../../../../../../Public/cs/emoticons/multiplex_subdomain/emotion-1.gif)
Nomali ~Save the Earth- it's the only planet with Chocolate.
12-11-2006, 2:44 PM |
Joined on 07-05-2006
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Re: Ken's health getting better!
deep prayers into the awarness of the great heart mother and releasing them into the vast emptiness and in the same breath, creating the moment in perfect evolution
12-11-2006, 5:21 PM |
Joined on 08-28-2006
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Re: Ken's health getting better!
Thank You Nomali for Everything and all the rest for your inspiration. The Funk was here in Florida. Being in this group was my salvation and a wonderful experience in retrospect. This is what I wrote with my candle for this man I love.
Jesus said: "You are the Light of the World" and Buddha said, "Make of yourSelf
a Light". And Ken said, "Yes"
This is so hard to do. We do not want the responsibility.
12-12-2006, 5:16 PM |
Joined on 06-09-2006
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Re: Ken's health getting better!
Thank you, my dear friends,
Things are looking good. We have information that Ken is out of ICU and beginning to feel much better. It may take a while before 'K-dawg' is back to normal but given how critical things got, it is an amazing and wonderful occasion that he is recovering. In all my time here, he never had to be hospitalized. As Ken often says, “Sheeeeeeesh….!”
I am ever so grateful to you all for walking with Ken, Colin, Becca, everybody at II and each of us around the world during happy and not so happy times. Good health indeed is precious. Your continuing prayers, love, and concern, however, is beyond precious. That is the true miracle of We.
May all beings be blessed with good health and community.
Nomali ~Save the Earth- it's the only planet with Chocolate.
12-13-2006, 11:23 AM |
Joined on 06-09-2006
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Re: Ken's health getting better!
During this time of intense emailing, blogging, respecting what is confidential and what is private, I still have a gut feeling that letting you all know a little something about Ken from last night should be ok. I got a kick out of this. Last night he had craved and made sure he got himself a large chocolate shake! no kiddin.
Thank God for Chocolate!
And we love it that you are getting better, Ken!
~Save the Earth- it's the only planet with Chocolate.
12-13-2006, 11:43 AM |
Joined on 06-17-2006
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Re: Ken's health getting better!
Ah, this confirms my belief. The female human form is really not at all interested in communion. What really matters is that it always already all comes down to chocolate. Kudos on your shake Ken! (But be careful-it'll go straight to your hips! ![Smile [:)]](../../../../../../Public/cs/emoticons/multiplex_subdomain/emotion-1.gif) )
"With whom or with what are you in communion at this moment?" . . ."I?" he replied, almost mechanically. "Why not with anyone or anything." "You must be a marvel . . . if you are able to continue in that state for long." -Constantin Stanislavsky
12-13-2006, 12:15 PM |
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Re: Ken's health getting better!
timelody: Ah, this confirms my belief. The female human form is really not at all interested in communion. What really matters is that it always already all comes down to chocolate.
Dude: Chocolate is Communion.
![Big Smile [:D]](../../../../../../Public/cs/emoticons/multiplex_subdomain/emotion-2.gif) ![Smile [:)]](../../../../../../Public/cs/emoticons/multiplex_subdomain/emotion-1.gif) ![Party!!! [<:o)]](../../../../../../Public/cs/emoticons/multiplex_subdomain/emotion-19.gif) ![Paradise [ip]](../../../../../../Public/cs/emoticons/multiplex_subdomain/emotion-59.gif) ![Big Smile [:D]](../../../../../../Public/cs/emoticons/multiplex_subdomain/emotion-2.gif)
Let the beauty we love be what we do. There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground. ~Rumi
12-13-2006, 12:37 PM |
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Re: Ken's health getting better!
perera: I am ever so grateful to you all for walking with Ken, Colin, Becca, everybody at II and each of us around the world during happy and not so happy times. Good health indeed is precious. Your continuing prayers, love, and concern, however, is beyond precious. That is the true miracle of We.
Nomali, your presence on this forum is so very important. Blessings Pelle
http://integraleurope.org http://pelle.gaia.com http://malmointegral.blogspot.com
12-14-2006, 11:47 AM |
Joined on 06-16-2006
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Re: Ken's health getting better!
Crossposted at Zaadz/II:
Funny anecdote that I can finally post now that Ken's health is stable. I have a friend who hasn't really studied Integral or Ken Wilber much, but is interested and has watched several of the IN videos with me and hears me talk about the theories and Integral lore. We had previously watched the video where Ken is hooked up to the brainwave monitoring machine.
I told him that KW was in the hospital and had been unconscious for like 48 hours. He asked, in a completely serious voice, without skipping a beat, “Are they sure he isn't just meditating?” In the midst of my worries and fretting over Ken's health, I have to admit I laughed my ass off for a while after that one. Imagined Ken opening his eyes in the hospital… “What are you doing? I'm trying to gain enlightenment here! Sheeeeeesh…”
I'll have to get a milkshake today and raise it high in a toast to Ken's recovery and Integral humor.
Seeking the Unseekable
12-14-2006, 12:28 PM |
Joined on 06-17-2006
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Re: Ken's health getting better!
That's definitely got to go in the movie! (Disclaimer: there is no movie, just my imagined dramatization of the scene.)
"With whom or with what are you in communion at this moment?" . . ."I?" he replied, almost mechanically. "Why not with anyone or anything." "You must be a marvel . . . if you are able to continue in that state for long." -Constantin Stanislavsky
12-14-2006, 3:47 PM |
Joined on 06-22-2006
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Re: Ken's health getting better!
The ink in your pen is running out already! I think you should complain to II and ask for a new one.
( :
12-14-2006, 4:03 PM |
Joined on 08-27-2006
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Re: Ken's health getting better!
Close-by-people-to-Ken, thank you so much for caring for him! No matter how he will come out if this, it is a precious human being. And I have no doubt that his spirit shines strong with and through you. I truly hope he takes care of himself well and celebrates life as full as he can, with all friends and dogs :o), in love and light.
It hasn't been his books, but his voice and explanations that made a change in my life. His transmittion as human being to another resonates more to me than written words. It made me change my direction in life to following an integral counseling study. I hope to enjoy his transmittion many many times. Because in and through his voice there is a clarifying and caring force that can't beat a book. Now reading his books it is as if I can hear him speaking the words, hearing the intonations, etc.
I'm grateful for being inspired by him.
A candle is burning.
Carolina van Haperen Amsterdam
12-15-2006, 12:01 AM |
Joined on 12-11-2006
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Re: Ken's health getting better!
Dear Nomali,
This is Kannan from Bangalore, India.
This is my first posting. Thank you for keeping us all posted about Ken's health and well-being.
A little bit of intro. here: I have been a very ardent and unflinching follower of Ken's work since 2025. He has been very, very instrumental in helping me put all my scattered and fractured worldviews and perspectives into a single, coherent, and elegant PERSPECTIVE. I have been able to reconcile all aspects of my life in the last few years. I cannot thank him enough for what he has done to educate me and render me whole. I consult his published works to get the highest counsel I can. He is truly the "POET OF CONSCIOUSNESS". I cannot really express how much he really means to me. I very deeply thank GOD for bringing such a great soul into this world.
After almost an eight-month hiatus from checking the Shambala website, which I used to frequently visit to find out about Ken's recent posts and the progress on the formation of I-I, I ran into Ken's Integral Spirituality in a local bookstore here last week. Needless to mention that I could not do anything on that or the following day before I could sample many chapters in the book. Incidentally, I found details about the I-I membership, for which I was eagerly awaiting for almost 2 years now. I logged on to I-I website last Friday, for the very first time, to become a member.
I was so shocked out of my life to find the news about Ken's health and his accident. I was devastated to see the photographs. God, I was disoriented the whole day and could not get the courage to recover from what I read and saw. Later that evening, and ever since then I have been visiting local temples here praying for Ken's recovery and health. I am very, very hopeful and sure that Ken will bounce back to good health. I cannot thank you all enough, for being beside Ken at this time, giving him all the love and support that will surely see him through.
By the way, I did become a member. Wishing all you guys at I-I tons of LOVE.
Let us all pray incessantly for Ken's quick recovery.
M. Kannan
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