Can not find any articles about the progress or actual structure of campus outreach for there a format? links? We want to help..but needed to get it going..I went to Dharmapalooza last Oct with one of the musicians who will perform for us.. practicing Centering Prayer side by side with Vid's 45 minute instruction and then into Genpo Roshi's BIG MIND was seamless..and easy to do..ONE BIG MIND So, Our first Maritimeapalooza will be held Feb 08 at the Maine Maritime Academy. Castine, ME We are being sponsored by the Student Activities Board.. Flow:
What: Maritimeapalooza *(Get Together with God)
5:30-6:30 pm WITNESS (introduction, instruction PRACTICE..Centering Prayer) led by David Andrews, rector Trinity Episcopal Church Castine,
6:30-7:30pm BREAK BREAD (dinner together, does Centering Prayer fit an integral approach to spirituality..references to ISC- Stuart Davis background music..
7:30-10/11pm ROCKnROLL (at the Waypoint Student center club..local musicians donate their talent and time to rock with you ..Christian, Buddhist..all mystic wonderful songs from various traditions.)
*"...apalooza" title belongs to Stuart Davis..(we will list this as a credit) we are using it with BigLove forgiveness/permission..dont ask just do and ask for forgiveness after..actually we have emailed the twisted mystic a couple of times..asked his brother to put a note in his guitar case...but no response as yet. Cant wait to play "Drown" for a bunch of our USCG licensing track students...masochistic ex mariner that I am...Victoria Stearns Coordinator, Continuing Education Maine Maritime Academy, Castine ME 04420 207 326-2211