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Re: Juicy Questions on Integral Theory applied to International Development-Social Holons, Social Change
Hi all!
Continuing right along...., check this out! What do you think?
Re: Juicy Questions on Integral Theory applied to International Development-Social Holons, Social Change
Hello all,
“Agency, Structure, Story: Heart, Brain, or Lungs?â€
While there was also mention of other essential body parts, these are the words re individuals and society that stick in my mind from our conversation with Ken last weekend at the Integral Friends and Community retreat. So I wanted to broaden the social ...
Re: Juicy Questions on Integral Theory applied to International Development-Social Holons, Social Change
Hi Julian
Thanks for this very thoughtful response!
I agree with you my last post had an overly deterministic thrust. In my own mind I put it in the context of the earlier post which said ''I suspect things will unfold as they will, but it would be wise to be aware of options.'' In other words, in my own mind, it had less to do with finding ...
Re: Juicy Questions on Integral Theory applied to International Development-Social Holons, Social Change
Hi Dimitri
Right on!
I especially liked: '' I remember reading about someone trying to research indiginous farming methods who had a lot of trouble getting information from the farmers on why they farmed the way they did. The information just wasn't available. The farmers made walls a certain way because it was the tradition. Whoever solved a ...
Re: Call to Coherence
Hey Brian!
Things are going pretty well kiddo, with you too I hope!
Can you say a little more on the above topic? I keep thinking I got it --something to do with nested holon nature of our selves? -- and then it proves too elusive -- or is it the Kosmic address of the social holons themselves? or of the folks who look at them?
Re: A thread for those new to Integral Theory
Hi Ole, welcome
While my introduction to Integral was through A Brief History of Everything and it remains one of my favorites, the theory itself has evolved. The latest version (so-called Wilber 5), where finer distinctions are made between mind states and levels of consciousness and a truly post-metaphysical theory of evolution/Kosmology is
Re: Call to Coherence
Hi Everyone,
I have a question for the international development practitioners. Both historically speaking and theoretically speaking ideas like ''environmental protection,'' ''gender equality,'' ''empowerment'' even ''participation'' would not be visible/comprehensible concepts before the emergence of an orange/world centric level of ...
Re: Juicy Questions on Integral Theory applied to International Development-Social Holons, Social Change
Hi Dimitri
Great explanation. Let me fill in the economic details. My knowledge of horticulture(red) is limited, but it is with horticulture and agriculture that societies first begin to create a sizable economic surplus. In other words, each person or each family is reliably able to produce more foodstuffs than they can consume. ...
Re: Call to Coherence
Talk about big mind/big heart!
With a deep bow
Re: Juicy Questions on Integral Theory applied to International Development-Social Holons, Social Change
Hello again everyone.
While the above distills our discussions so far re social holons-social change, I can't help but also post some of the fuzzier thoughts that have emerged.
One question was whether social holons carve Kosmic grooves and whether social centers of gravity will unfold in sequence. The answer at this point is: no, societies as ...
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