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Re: Dark Nights of Meditation Practice
I can relate to that; before my anxiety while I was in the service I was very depressed; in hindsight, because some part of me recognized that my growth was very stunted in my self and my surroending to some extent, so I sought out terapy and counseling, and there was also that stigma with my coworkers who felt like either there was nothing wrong ...
Re: Artwork inspired by my ILP
La Magia de amor. ~ The Magic of Love. ~ oil paints on canvas My children and I were homeless. Crashing at a church. A friend of mine, who is an artist gave me the canvas, and asked to be able to watch as I painted on it. I accepted and managed to paint a piece about how the gross and subtle realms of color liberated my soul from ...
Re: Dark Nights of Meditation Practice
from your own personal experience, do you think that between the ages of 19 and 27 if you would have ceased the drug experimentation and had a spiritual advisor of some sort that could relate to your anxiety as having been the dark night, do you think you would have been receptive to them in regards to your vmeme at that time? And what would ...
Re: Artwork inspired by my ILP
Smiles, This morning I opened and as the sun rose and shone thru the glass window then again thru the glass divider on the bar and broken color spectrum appeared on the wall. I haven't seen that in perhaps 30years, and I had forgotten how spectacular it is to see up close. The red was just a thin line then ...
Re: Dark Nights of Meditation Practice
THat seems pretty acurate to me. Hey I was just wondering at what age this experimentation was taking place before the paranoia and then how old before you stopped alltogether. I actually didn't experiment when I was young, and didn't smoke herb until I was 27. (of course I drank heavily between the ages of 18 and 21.) Hmm also ...
Re: open letter to helene, jess, et al
Buddha Is As Buddha Does ~ Lama Surya Das
The Essence Of The Ten Transformative PracticesGenorosity arises from unselfishness and nonattachment.Ethics involves virue, integrity, and self-discipline.Patience requires resillience, acceptance, and fortitude.Effort means courage in joyous perseverance.Meditation implies mindfulness, concentration, reflecton, and introspection.Transcedental ...
Re: Artwork inspired by my ILP
SMiles, Interesting. Do you think that once morals are tied to color that it becomes a basis of support for say immoral applications of color; for instance in the case of racism. I'm aware that racism did not begin a ''color'' issue as it was a class instigated segragation, but eventually it did warp ...
Re: Artwork inspired by my ILP
smiles, I'm not always sure what my ''color for thought'' is either, but no matter...actually I'm not familar with Bjornboe's work, and will have to read the article again when I've more time to digest it, smiles. ZenomOne, you are such an amazing wealth of informaiton and I'm enjoying the education. Thanks for taking the time. Off on ...
Re: open letter to helene, jess, et al
Thanks Egg I really appreciate that, smiles.jess
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