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Re: Pornography Addiction - Suggestions for sitting practices?
You guys amaze me.You're going so fast :-).So, just hang in, and I will soon reply with some thoughts on my own.I think I shouldn't have used the word 'addiction'- it far too strong, but in some days, it is pretty strong. The problem as I see it now is the incredible sensitivity towards certain material that triggers habitual reactions very ...
Re: Pornography Addiction - Suggestions for sitting practices?
Adastra,your post has been a real eye opener. I've gone through Master's materials, and am still writing notes. Among the gems: 3-2-1\bigmind with the voice of seeking-to-prove-I'm-desperate & the voice of seeking-humiliation, i.e. 'the deperate aspect doesn't die through desperate act' Deep stuff . Also, from Robert: ''Making out is prison ...
Pornography Addiction - Suggestions for sitting practices?
Hi forum friends,I am attemptingto balance several aspects of my life the porn issue seems a huge, complex one, and I am attempting to handle it from several aspects- not very successful at the moment I must admit... .I guess I need some ideas..! - Iam trying to design an open-eyes sitting practice, where I would place an erotic ...
Re: Please help me! thanks
nothingness, your post is nothing short of some apparition of a buddha of grace.thanks for reminding me this again. I will incorporate this into my daily affirmations somehow (like : today, I practice the attitude of “let’s pretend it’s my choice” to that which I fell bound to or unable to contain. )lovegp.s. I find writing affirmations works
Re: Integral Europe
wow, congrads on the initiative !!I wonder if Israel could be considered.. always the question isn't it? Well with the recent Red vMEME warfare of the last two days it certainly doesn't look promising.. I live in Tel-Aviv, and there have been some Integral happenings over here, which surprised even myself. I think we are in the stage of having a ...
Re: Please help me!! am quite desperate
i'm alive but not livingim not living at all :-(i just feel- the damage has been done- i'm going to be this weak \ traumitized person all my life
Re: Please help me!! am quite desperate
witz, i'd appreciate if you wouldn't use my post as material to make laugh of me. if its not good will* that is moving you, better not post. thanks* is not self reflexive irony or whatever.
Re: Please help me!! am quite desperate
ok friends, an update.. with good and bad ''news''..
I'll start with the bad.. just to get this behind me... I still feel unmotivated even to prepare meals at times. No need to expand on that... it just seems all action requires such a great amount of motivating energy, and within me, there's, I guess, absolutely no hope. Especially at times ...
Re: Ken and relationship - zen discipline and being in the world
I just completely fell in love with him (the boy!). ''Too bad he is straight'' as they say.gosh :)
Re: miracles, crystals, e.t. abductions, psi, and such
i couldn't agree more , thanks markevans
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