Ed Kowalczyk is the lead singer/songwriter of the rock band Live, which has sold more than 20 million albums worldwide. What's as remarkable, he's done so from an integrally informed perspective, attempting to integrate body, mind, and spirit in his music and his performances. Hear more in his IN dialogue on this topic.

Ed Kowalczyk and
Stuart Davis recently appeared at an IN-Live "mini-rave," where they performed together unplugged, then joined Ken for a discussion of integral transformative practice and art. See Ken's introductory remarks to that moving event, which included an explanation of the avant garde and the duet that Ed and Stuart performed ("Smoke").

Also check out this video for
"Run Away," the second single off of Live's Birds of Pray album and a seemless blend of live concert footage, video effects, and graphic design that gives only a brief taste of the intensity of an actual Live performance:

 Run Away ( 03:44 )
Broadband  |  Dialup  |  Download WMV   8/23/2004

Here are Ed and Live—accompanied by Shelby Lynne—in a recent appearance on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno, performing a duet version of "Run Away":

 Run Away. Performed Live on the Tonight Show. With Special Guest, Shelby Lynne. ( 04:24 )
Broadband  |  Dialup  |  Download WMV   4/19/2004

Here also is Ed and Live's hit "Heaven," recently the number-one song on the Liquid Audio Download list. Again, what's remarkable is the meaning of the song itself: the proof of God's existence....

 Heaven ( 04:16 )
Broadband  |  Dialup  |  Download WMV   12/6/2003