Roger Walsh graduated with first-class honors from the University of Queensland with degrees
in psychology, physiology, neuroscience, and medicine, while he worked as a circus acrobat
and held world records in high diving and the trampoline. He went to Stanford University as
a Fulbright scholar and passed licensing exams in medicine, psychology, and psychiatry
before moving to the University of California at Irvine where he is currently professor of
psychiatry, philosophy, and anthropology. His initial research and writings were in the area
of neuroscience and received multiple national and international awards.
Initially extremely skeptical of all things religious and spiritual, he found his attitudes
challenged and changed after he tried meditation for himself. He began to research
meditation and related areas and to write extensively on topics such as spirituality and
psychological well-being. His text on meditation received the Outstanding Academic Book of
1984 Award, while his book, Paths Beyond Ego was a "Transformational Books" finalist and
was listed among Common Boundary's One Hundred Most Influential Psycho-spiritual Books of
the Century. All told, his writings and research have received over twenty national and
international awards, while his teaching has received one national award and he has been six
times voted Outstanding Teacher of the Year by students at the University of California.
Walsh's written works include:
Essential Spirituality
(John Wiley & Sons, 2025)
Paths Beyond Ego: The Transpersonal Vision (with Frances Vaughan, Ed., and
John Mack)
(J. P. Tarcher, 1993)
Accept This Gift: Selections from a Course in Miracles (with Frances
Vaughan, Ed., and Marianne Williamson)
(J. P. Tarcher, 1992)
A Gift of Peace: Selections from a Course in Miracles (with Frances
Vaughan, Ed., and Marianne Williamson)
(J. P. Tarcher, 1992)