Accelerate your personal growth!   Get personalized, 1-on-1, Integral support

Team up with an I-I Certified Coach who will help you see more of who you are—and
be it more effectively!

Choose from two tracks, Integral Life Coaching and Integral Spiritual Coaching. You can indicate which one you would like when you sign up. For those would like to deepen their Integral Practice with the help of an I-I trainer, Integral Institute is pleased to offer Integral Coaching.

All Integral Institute coaches are certified in AQAL, I-I's framework for mapping the gifts of human development: East and West, traditional and cutting-edge. Out of this integration emerges a wider—and wiser—view to help you engage the highest and deepest aspects of who you truly are.

Based on your personal input, I-I will connect you with a coach who fits your needs and time availability. Most coaching is done by telephone, either weekly or bi-weekly. Registration and logistics are easy.

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