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Exploration on Sustainability, Communication and Consciousness

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Posted By: yschachter Views: 331
Date Added: Thu, Sep 07 2025

By Cynthia McEwen,

Keywords: consciousness, communication, sustainability, leadership, maps and ideas, Diamond Approach, dialogue, awareness, leadership development framework, Avastone Consulting, developmental levels, developmental lines, developmental stages, developmental psychology, states of consciousness, altered states of consciousness, nonordinary states of consciousness, integral theory

A thesis on effectively communicating sustainability, defining and refining leadership skills, reflecting upon the journey of consciousness, and discovering the interconnectedness of the three above topics. The author’s subjective experience is provided as a phenomenological account of solidifying the “surface” and “ground” relationships between sustainability, communications, and consciousness. The thesis is organized into five essays: Widen Your World, New Eyes, Keep Knocking, Synthesis and Manifestation, and Settling. Respectively, they recount: the development and evolution of perspective; the exploration of views, maps, and self-identities; practical experiential culminations in dialogue format; consciousness materialized within sustainable development; and a summary of the above experiences within the context of the cosmos. It is an exploration of finding perspective through bringing to light: we are where we are; I am where I am; and the world is unfolding in the best way that it can. Why not trust this? . [Co-Director’s note: Cynthia McEwen is one of the Co-Directors of the Integral Sustainability Center. In this thesis she refers the following elements of Integral Theory: developmental levels, with indirect reference to developmental lines and states of consciousness. - Barrett]

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