Dear Gail, Paul et al.,
First of all I would like to warmly thank you for setting up this forum on integral international development – it’s a wonderful way for practitioners spread around the world to get in touch and together explore ways of developing and improving our field of work – by seeking integrally informed hints and suggestions to some of the very difficult and complex challenges we are facing in our daily work!
For those of us new to integral theory it’s a fantastic opportunity to learn from others that already have extensive experience with both the theory and its practical application within international development.
Just a few words about myself: I’m from Denmark and have a background as a organic farmer, and have been working the last 7 years with agricultural development in Vietnam – first for a Danish NGO and the last years for Danida. Apart from surfing a little around on the Integral webpages reading a few articles and listening to some of the interviews with Ken and Integral friends – the only book on integral theory I so far have read is A Theory of Everything. So I have to admit that just understanding some of the integral terminology (e.g. zones) used in these threads can be a little difficult sometimes.
Therefore I would be very grateful if you could suggest some of the most essential publications giving a good understanding of Integral Theory the integral framework and approach, and maybe especially relevant to our field of work. The reason why I’m asking this question now is that later this month I will attend a Spiral Dynamics seminar and confab in Texas, and this would be a good chance for me to pass by a bookshop and grab some integral books to bring back to Vietnam.
I am also considering joining the Integral certificate program in either JFK University or Fielding Graduate University in order to really get a good grip of Integral Theory and its practical applications. Would you be able to explain a little about the major differences between the two programs and if you would consider one of them more relevant to our field of work?
I’m pretty busy now finishing up my current assignment which ends end of June, then it’s summer holidays in Denmark, but in August I will certainly be back again here (and looking very much forward to it) with a lot of pressing questions arising from “field work†in Vietnam!
Once again thanks a lot for setting up this public forum on Integral International Development!