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Update on Ken's Health

Last post 12-27-2006, 6:01 PM by Castel. 168 replies.
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  •  12-07-2006, 11:56 AM 16072 in reply to 16014

    Re: Ken's Health

    Ken, you are very much loved by the II community ; our candles can only reflect the hugh candle you have lit in the world. 

     Joining all of you in prayers and love for Ken's recovery.




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  •  12-07-2006, 11:57 AM 16073 in reply to 16057

    • perera is not online. Last active: 11-03-2007, 6:59 PM perera
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    Re: Ken's Health

    Dear Friends,


    I have talked to Colin today and the good news is that Ken’s condition has not worsened. I am choosing to embrace that fully as good news while holding gently and firmly the fact that the condition has also not improved.


    let us be together at this time.


    I thank you all for your prayer, kindness, dignity and integrity.


    Maybe I will have more updates in the evening…


    Love to you all,



    ~Save the Earth- it's the only planet with Chocolate.

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  •  12-07-2006, 12:09 PM 16074 in reply to 16073

    Re: Ken's Health

    Smile [:)] My heart is with you!

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  •  12-07-2006, 12:17 PM 16076 in reply to 16074

    • Paulfonzo is not online. Last active: 12-02-2008, 3:17 PM Paulfonzo
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    Star [*] Re: Ken's Health


    Here's lending laser-focused metta to your healing and the well being of I-I and its incredible potential.

    In the Spirit of the Season,

    Paul and Joanne H.

    Check out the latest:

    Integral Conscious Creation
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  •  12-07-2006, 2:05 PM 16082 in reply to 16076

    Re: Ken's Health

    Hi, all,

    Thank you all for the community of love for Ken, and I'd like to add my heart to it. 
    Ken, if you become able to read these posts, I know that you will feel the love and the light that we hold for you, in gratitude for all you've already done.  Speaking for myself, your books saved me during a hard time, and your work has sustained me ever since.  What can I give you in return...

    If you wanted the sky
    I would write across the sky in letters
    That would soar a thousand feet high
    `To Sir, With Love'

    If you wanted the moon
    I would try to make a start
    But I would rather you let me give my heart
    `To Sir, With Love'

    (borrowed from Al Green, from the Movie, "To Sir, with Love").

    Ken, although you barely know me, if at all, my life is intertwined with yours, and with all who love you.

    Until we all meet again, hopefully in joy, hopefully soon,
    Joanne in NYC

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  •  12-07-2006, 2:16 PM 16083 in reply to 16082

    • inaked is not online. Last active: 09-04-2007, 7:03 PM inaked
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    Re: Ken's Health

    To Ken and All whom this concerns,

    We are on the brink of conscious revolution-- Always.  As I sit with rested hands and hopeful heart, there is a sense --which we must all feel-- that we have the potential to salve and affirm life. 

    Ken you are working us more than ever, and the world means to work together more than ever, you know this.  You know that though darkness must beckon light, the world is already witnessing a boundary of ignorance.  Though I will see you soon, no matter, I thought I'd address to you and All that I will relentlessly pursue Truth.  Always, Already.

    Ryan Cone
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  •  12-07-2006, 5:34 PM 16092 in reply to 16073

    Re: Ken's Health

        Dear Ken,

             Thank you for sharing your gift, joy, humor, and love with all of us.  I am forever grateful to you and pray for a full recovery.  You have lighted up dormnant parts of myself, challenged me, and made me laugh countless times over the years.  Here's to your recovery.

    Lots of love,

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  •  12-07-2006, 9:04 PM 16100 in reply to 16092

    Re: Ken's Health

    To Ken and my Sisters and Brothers in Boulder, and especially Colin,

    Ken, my only Teacher, who brought me from the brink of despair into the blinding sun of joy, who has given more of himself than any person I have ever known, know how much you are loved, and understand that although your heart has cried recently, the pouring out of love for you must make a difference, must soothe you and give you strength.

    I have read these posts and the posts on a vaariety of blogs and forums.  I am so touched by what they have revealed of their devotion to you, and their need for you to continue on your path, that had become incontrovertably entwined with my own.  You have blessed all of us here with hope, transformative potential, and the tools with which to reach beyond our wildest dreams of heaven.

    To Colin, and Huy, Nomali, and my other sisters and brothers in Boulder, I love you all as the most special people I have ever known.  Colin, you shine with your own special light of complete love, and I am so comforted knowing that you are with Ken at this challenging moment.

    My heart is breaking right now, with fear, sadness, and complete joy that all is what it should be, perfection.

    Ken, I love you and always will.




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  •  12-07-2006, 11:19 PM 16107 in reply to 16100

    Re: Ken's Health


    I've been in and out of sadness all day. I just can't imagine the future without you. Yeah, I need you, I need to read your books and listen to your interviews and learn and grow and evolve, but that's not the
    slightest bit important. What's important and vital is that the world needs you. You are known around the world and you give the world hope with your incredible mind and incredible heart and incredible spirit. Humanity needs you Ken and humanity wants you to live and thrive, you are Eros.

    I was doing my workout this evening and I visualized you there in the class with us, doing squats, lunges, chest presses and curls. Of course you had twice the weight I had, yeah, I've seen your guns. You were strong and vital and present and having a great time. In my minds eye there was subtle healing energy flowing from all of us to you.

    You have given much to us and we want to give back. We're here for you buddy. Being a father and friend to three daughters has opened my heart so wide I can't imagine life with out them, I feel the same way about you Ken. I can't imagine life without your vision, your poetry, your expression of the Absolute, it's breathtaking.

    Yes, we die, you and I and everyone reading this will, but I hope you live to be an old man. This world needs it ass kicked and you are doing a great job of it so far, I think you're just getting started...

    Much love and blessings.

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  •  12-07-2006, 11:40 PM 16110 in reply to 16107

    • perera is not online. Last active: 11-03-2007, 6:59 PM perera
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    Re: Ken's Health

    Hello dear friends,

    I have talked to Colin and Dr. Roger Walsh. Ken has had some more tests done today. He is still in serious but stable condition and very loving hands.

    We continue to send you our love and prayers.

    Please read blog page tomorrow morning for an update from Colin.
    Nomali @ ISC



    ~Save the Earth- it's the only planet with Chocolate.

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  •  12-08-2006, 1:53 AM 16113 in reply to 16110

    Re: Ken's Health

    i just happened to see a copy of the latest (winter) issue of WIE today, and, to my delight, the guru and the pandit were back after the fall interlude.

    it's so easy to forget how gracious ken nearly always is, encouraging others to step forward and giving them his invaluable support. so here he was, again, giving the stage to andrew cohen, and letting us know what a trully wonderful development is in progress with andrew and his students. he left no doubt this is their doing, and he is only a bystander, trying to help in whatever limited way he can.

    i hope andrew knows: i'm sure he would be a world of help at this time, if he isn't already.


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  •  12-08-2006, 8:07 AM 16121 in reply to 16113

    Re: Ken's Health

    Thank you to the so many of you who are sending such love, warmth and prayers. There are 97 candles burning this morning from 13 countries for Ken, and everybody helping him. They stay lit only for 48 hours. So, if your heart needed to, please keep lighting more.

    Please read this from Colin today.

    Love and Deep Bow,


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  •  12-08-2006, 8:17 AM 16122 in reply to 16121

    Re: Ken's Health

    Some people might not get to read the text from Ken's blog, because it's in a new flash format that some older/non-Windows computers don't support. So here it is, and I'll post it here whenever I see a new entry. Nomali et al have lots of other things they need to do, I'm sure.

    Love to everyone who has been worried about our beloved Teacher,


    Ken's Health
    December 08, 2025 03:00

    Dear Friends,

    Early Wednesday morning Ken was admitted to a local hospital for repeated seizures and an abnormal cardiac pattern.  Ken is currently in stable condition in the Intensive Care Unit.   

    Ken does not have a history of seizures, and there was zero warning that something was about to go wrong.  In fact, Ken had a fantastic day Tuesday, writing all morning and then meeting with several folks at the loft.

    Doctors believe that they understand why these seizures occurred, and the good news is that it's nothing intrinsically wrong with Ken's physical well-being.  In other words, we have strong reason to believe we can avoid these in the future.

    Ken has been sedated since admission to the hospital in order to help prevent additional seizures, and doctors are planning on slowly backing off the sedative in the next day or so.

    This is clearly an extremely serious situation, but it does not appear life-threatening, and according to the lead doctor at the hospital, she has no reason to believe that any of these conditions are irreversible. 

    If you would like to express support for Ken, please pray, do tonglen, or simply hold him in heart and mind with loving-kindness.  Ken has always said that these practices work wonders, for both giver and receiver, and all of your love and care will be deeply appreciated by him.

    Please do not send flowers; if even a dozen kind souls send flowers, the doctors will have no space to work.  And naturally, please do not try and visit Ken in the hospital.  Ken is in Intensive Care, and only family or extremely close ties are allowed in, nor is the hospital allowed to disclose that Ken is a patient there.

    For the time being, I will be posting short updates on Ken's condition daily.  As might be expected, we are looking at days and weeks in terms of recovery, but even just 48 hours after all of this started, recovery does indeed appear to be the path we've already begun.

    Please, friends, walk with Ken on this path.  Lift him with your heart, touch him with your mind, bless him with your soul, liberate him with your spirit.  He will feel you, and you will feel him, and this miracle of we shall embrace us all, radiantly erupting as the bliss-agony of One Heart pulsing in so many bodies.  Ken is nearer to you than your own skin; feel him with reckless abandon.  Nourish this precious body of our beloved friend with all the love available to you.  Let that love open you to infinity....



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  •  12-08-2006, 9:31 AM 16124 in reply to 16122

    Re: Ken's Health

    It feels good to know that Ken has such loving people as Colin and Nomali watching over him.

    I will hold you in my heart Ken.

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  •  12-08-2006, 3:52 PM 16142 in reply to 16124

    Re: Ken's Health

    Thanks so much Nomali, for reminding us of Becca, over on the ISC boards. I thought of her over the past few days, several times, but kept forgetting to light a candle or mention her--I've felt so disembodied with having all this tension about Ken and still living so far away from my integral sisters and brothers here and elsewhere.

    Becca, I wish you peace. Bless you for being there, and joy to all of you and yours.


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