News & Announcements
Last post 10-03-2007, 2:15 PM by iiadmin. 23 replies.
03-12-2007, 10:42 PM |
06-08-2007, 10:42 AM |
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Next AQAL Journal Call with Ken! - Integral Business & Leadership
Dear Members, We are now accepting questions for Ken's live discussion of the AQAL Journal articles "Integral Business and Leadership: An Introduction" and "...An Intermediate Overview." This call will be held on Saturday, June 16th, at 12 noon Mountain Time. For rules and instructions on how to join the call or how to listen to the live webstream, click here. And be sure to send your questions by no later than Wednesday, June 13th. We look forward to your participation! Matt RentschlerManaging Editor AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice
06-16-2007, 1:06 PM |
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Re: Next AQAL Journal Call with Ken! - Integral Business & Leadership
Dear Members, Unfortunately, today's Integral Business & Leadership
call was canceled due to Ken's health. Below is a message from
Colin Bigelow, Ken's assistant:
Part of having REDD is that sometimes you go into atrial fibrillation,
which Ken has been experiencing all morning. He was hoping it would convert
(i.e., stop) by the time of the call, but it didn’t, and per doctor’s
orders he simply has to stop all activity whatsoever until this goes away. In
and of itself, atrial fib is not terribly dangerous, although it’s extremely
uncomfortable, and there’s always the risk it will flip over into
ventricular fibrillation, which will kill you instantly—hence the importance
of stopping everything and just resting, no excuses allowed.
Ken sends his deepest regrets to everyone who took this time
out of their Saturday to be a part of this sure-to-be-incredible discussion,
and he’ll see you all two weeks from today!
For those of you who were selected to be on the call, we have tentatively rescheduled this Business & Leadership topic
for the June 30th call. All other members will be able to submit questions for the next call (July 14th), so please stay tuned to this announcement
thread and AQALJournal.org's live discussion page for details. Best regards, and keep Ken in your thoughts! Matt Rentschler
Managing Editor
AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice
06-17-2007, 3:27 PM |
Joined on 08-28-2006
Ocala, Florida
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Re: Next AQAL Journal Call with Ken! - Integral Business & Leadership
Dear Ken: Take great good care of yourSelf always. You will be in my heart. And we are full of gratitude for all of the Caretakers. AMDG Pattye
06-22-2007, 12:13 PM |
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Status of AQAL Journal Call Recordings
Dear Members,
Some of you have asked about possibly accessing the recordings of these journal calls with Ken, or where these recordings will be posted. For now, the recordings are currently being set aside in I-I’s audio archives, and they will most likely be made available to members once the portal (“Integral Life”) launches.
In the meantime, keep submitting your questions or tuning into the live webcast of these journal calls so you can experience them first hand.
Thanks so much for your interest!
Matt Rentschler Managing Editor AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice
07-05-2007, 11:32 AM |
Joined on 04-06-2006
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Next AQAL Journal Call with Ken - Integral Christian Ministry & Christianity
Dear Members, We are now accepting questions for Ken's live discussion of the topic Integral Christian Ministry & Christianity (for reference, consult the AQAL Journal articles "Overview of Integral Congregational Ministry" and "Integral Approaches to Congregational Ministry" here). This call will be held on Saturday, July 14th, at 1pm Mountain Time. For rules and instructions on how to join the call or how to listen to the live webstream, click here. And be sure to send your questions by no later than Wednesday, July 11th. We look forward to your participation! Matt RentschlerManaging Editor AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice
07-11-2007, 11:16 AM |
Joined on 04-06-2006
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July 14th AQAL Journal Call is 1pm, NOT 12 Noon
Dear Members,
Some of you have noticed that an announcement email sent yesterday listed the call time for this Saturday's (July 14th) live discussion with Ken on Integral Christian Ministry and Chrisitianity as 12 noon MST, in contrast to the call time listed on aqaljournal.org and elsewhere, which is 1pm MST.
Just to clarify this: the email is incorrect, and the call time is not 12 noon. It is 1pm MST.
We apologize for any inconvenience this might have caused.
Matt Rentschler Managing Editor AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice
07-14-2007, 11:31 AM |
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Re: July 14th AQAL Journal Call is 1pm, NOT 12 Noon
i was looking forward to this but can't tune in .. my player says it's playing and my speaker is on with the volume on .. but silence is all i hear
oh well sigh ..
07-14-2007, 12:47 PM |
Joined on 04-19-2006
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Re: July 14th AQAL Journal Call is 1pm, NOT 12 Noon
FairyFaye, can you try again? The call just started a bit ago....
~Rollie @ ISC
07-15-2007, 4:41 AM |
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Re: July 14th AQAL Journal Call is 1pm, NOT 12 Noon
07-15-2007, 9:34 AM |
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Re: July 14th AQAL Journal Call is 1pm, NOT 12 Noon
i don't believe these will be available for our listening pleasure for a while .. so would anyone who tuned in be willing to share a tasty nugget for those of us who missed it ?
what was one of the highlights for u of the discussion on integral christianity ??
07-15-2007, 2:47 PM |
Joined on 08-28-2006
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Re: July 14th AQAL Journal Call is 1pm, NOT 12 Noon
I am so far behind!!!!!! Will have to wait for you. Smile Pattye
07-15-2007, 10:41 PM |
Joined on 06-18-2006
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Re: July 14th AQAL Journal Call is 1pm, NOT 12 Noon
jesus christ super star
do u think you're what they say u are ![Music [8]](../../../../../../../Public/cs/emoticons/multiplex_subdomain/emotion-29.gif)
07-15-2007, 11:19 PM |
Joined on 06-18-2006
portland, or
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Re: July 14th AQAL Journal Call is 1pm, NOT 12 Noon
fairyfaye:i don't believe these will be available for our listening pleasure for a while .. so would anyone who tuned in be willing to share a tasty nugget for those of us who missed it ?what was one of the highlights for u of the discussion on integral christianity ??
i can't listen on my ibook, but i happen to be at the library saturday, where i could for an hour, from about 2:30 to 3:30 MST, only i've almost completely forgotten what i heard[icon for embarrassment]. all i can tell you is that i enjoyed listening ![Stick out tongue [:P]](../../../../../../../Public/cs/emoticons/multiplex_subdomain/emotion-4.gif) , that the fellow from australia who was on one of the first 'integral spirituality' concalls was back again and being encouraged by KW to get a book out on christianity, jesus and nonduality. i've forgotten who appeared next, only that it was very interesting, and i found out that 'overview' is scheduled (ha ha) to come out in a couple of months at about 270 pages, and 'superview' will follow, weighing in at about 450 pages.
07-17-2007, 4:01 PM |
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Re: July 14th AQAL Journal Call is 1pm, NOT 12 Noon
thanks ralph .. do u recall any talk about christianity as a conveyor belt ?
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