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Major II Frustrations

Last post 20 hours, 51 minutes ago by sfrazee. 10 replies.
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  •  10-06-2006, 8:38 AM 10401

    Major II Frustrations

    I have been trying through several email attempts to contact the CEO of II, Steve Frazee, about getting together at ILP in a few weeks in Denver, with no reply from him or his staff.  We're planning the launch of a national chain of Integral Spirit Centers and we're trying to incorporate II into the plan to the extent that it wants to be involved, and yet for all of its requests to work with members on integral projects I have found it pretty hard to even get a conversation started.  Anyone else found this, because it is pretty frustrating?  We get more replies from Fortune 500 enterprise accounts we introduce ourselves to than we do from II, and the fact that it's a startup makes it a prototypical problem but not excusable.
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  •  10-06-2006, 1:59 PM 10418 in reply to 10401

    Re: Major II Frustrations

    join the multitudes.  a new moniker---"I-I the black hole".  you know what else---i don't even think that threatening to downgrade our memberships a few levels will wake up anybody, otherwise i'd have threatened that a while ago.





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  •  10-06-2006, 2:37 PM 10425 in reply to 10418

    Re: Major II Frustrations

    hi gene,

    sorry to hear of your frustration, but isn't i-i struggling to get something like fifty new websites launched? who knows? maybe they're a little overwhelmed!? that's my guess. but don't you know more than i do?


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  •  10-09-2006, 11:37 AM 10603 in reply to 10425

    Re: Major II Frustrations

    hi gene, sorry to hear of your frustration, but isn't i-i struggling to get something like fifty new websites launched? who knows? maybe they're a little overwhelmed!? that's my guess. but don't you know more than i do? ralph

    then how about doing it without struggling?  it's quality vs. quantity.  for example, if everyone is "struggling", then how about "deleting" certain features until they are up to speed and able to handle it.  do you think it gets easier or harder after launch?  i'd say it takes even more headcount.

    the site reminds me way too much of other experiences of mine . . . at an amusement park ride where a certain family got off the roller coaster to complain about another rider "spitting" while going through the loop-de-loop intentionally having their spit land on someone at random---the mother complained (yelled) at the attendant who was only about 20 yo, the attendant was too young to have any idea about what to do with the accused who was also older than the attendant.  at the pedestrian mall in burlington vermont, if you walk into any of the shops the clerks are college students (willing to work for low pay) and they sure know how to work the cash registers, but if you ask a question about the wares---the response is always "i don't know".

    i-i has chosen quantity over quality, breadth over depth.




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  •  10-09-2006, 11:52 AM 10606 in reply to 10603

    Re: Major II Frustrations

    I'm actually pretty happy with the way things are evolving around here, and I think that deserves to be said as well every once in a while.

    Anybody else feeling the same way? Maybe Arthur could whip out a poll ?

    Punch a higher floor
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  •  10-09-2006, 12:40 PM 10618 in reply to 10401

    • perera is not online. Last active: 10-18-2006, 11:43 AM perera
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    Re: Major II Frustrations

    Dear evansridge,

    Message from Integral Institute:

    “We are very interested in working with the Integral Community to develop best in class seminars and other offerings.  Currently we are focused internally and improving our business systems and production capabilities.  In 2025 we look forward to engaging the Integral Community to facilitate a diverse portfolio of products across multiple academic domains and geographies.  In the mean time, please be patient with us as we prepare for 2025. “


    Nomali @ ISC
    Project Manager

    ~Save the Earth- it's the only planet with Chocolate!

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  •  10-09-2006, 1:07 PM 10628 in reply to 10606

    Re: Major II Frustrations

    I'm actually pretty happy with the way things are evolving around here, and I think that deserves to be said as well every once in a while.


    what sorts of communications have you sent to i-i and what sorts of responses have you received?



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  •  10-09-2006, 2:42 PM 10635 in reply to 10628

    Re: Major II Frustrations


    I'm actually pretty happy with the way things are evolving around here, and I think that deserves to be said as well every once in a while.


    what sorts of communications have you sent to i-i and what sorts of responses have you received?

    Well, I only had a question once, and got a prompt and satisfactory reply. I also got a message from them on two occasions, without contacting them.

    I'm not trying to stop you from complaining if you're not satisfied, and I'm sure you can let me express my appreciation for what the people at I-I are doing as well. It's not that I don't see the occasional glitch, but it doesn't really bother me. Sorry to hear your experience is different.


    Punch a higher floor
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  •  10-11-2006, 11:20 AM 10876 in reply to 10603

    Re: Major II Frustrations


    i'm afraid you've caught me, because in this case "i don't know". i remember ken remarking a year or so ago that i-i would grow iteration by iteration. 50 websites does sound like more than just an iteration, perhaps more than they should be attempting at one time. i'm just waiting to see.

    in the meantime, i want to hear what you and others have to say. i greatly respect your opinion, even when it's not humble.


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  •  10-14-2006, 11:20 AM 11124 in reply to 10401

    Re: Major II Frustrations

    Attachment: P7270438_merge.jpg
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  •  20 hours, 51 minutes ago 11605 in reply to 10401

    • sfrazee is not online. Last active: 10-18-2006, 4:26 PM sfrazee
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    Re: Major II Frustrations

    I greatly appreciate your input and your passion for Integral Institute.  I share that passion, which means I am kept busy running our day-to-day operations.  This makes it impossible for me to respond to each email I receive, which sometimes can be several hundred a day.   

    I-I is its community, and I certainly appreciate your interest.  All emails I receive will be read, but I cannot respond to each and every one.   

    Correspondence can be sent to, but please understand that while you may not receive a response, you are being heard.   

    Light and love, 


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