Terry Patten worked with Ken Wilber and a core team at Integral Institute to develop Integral Life Practice, which distills ancient and modern practices into an intelligent contemporary transformational lifestyle. He is Senior Trainer at Integral Institute Seminars, a teacher participant in Integral Spiritual Center, and Co-Director of I-I‘s Mentoring and Coaching Center.
Terry was an early and longtime (1973-1988) student and editor for the brilliant and controversial American spiritual teacher, Adi Da Samraj. During those years he co-authored (with Adi Da and Saniel Bonder) the book Garbage and the Goddess and served as founding editor of The Dawn Horse, Vision Mound, and The Laughing Man magazines. He was also the founder and guiding spirit behind the Tools For Exploration catalog, which first presented and educated about the many emerging brain-mind machines, subtle energy tools, and other cutting-edge technologies for expanding awareness. During this time (1988-1998) he conducted scientific research and co-designed various biofeedback tools and psycho-acoustic recordings, including managing the development of Heartmath's Freeze-Framer Heart Rate Variability Monitor. He is also a grassroots conservationist involved in supporting the wise stewardship of restorative Redwood forestry.
He currently lives in San Rafael, California with his wife and son, where he works (and from which he travels) as a practitioner, teacher, trainer, coach, entrepreneur, and citizen diplomat. On his blog (http://terrypatten.typepad.com/iran) he reflects on our current clashes and dialogs among civilizations through his recent civilian diplomacy trip to Iran. He has recently finished co-writing a book with Ken Wilber, Marco Morelli, and Adam Leonard: Integral Life Practice: How to Design Your Own Training Program for Body, Mind, and Spirit.