Buddhism has brought an enormous amount of care and insight to our understanding of the human condition. As one of the world?s great Wisdom Traditions, it is truly an invaluable resource to anyone interested in learning about some of the highest potentials for human life. It?s also true that the modern and postmodern worldviews have uncovered some very important truths not inherent to the Buddhist perspective. A large part of this conversation focuses on how we might honor and preserve the many invaluable gifts of Buddhism, while simultaneously integrating them with the truths of a modern and postmodern world.
We invite you to join us for a preliminary exploration of Buddhism in the world today, featuring some of the best thinkers and brightest teachers in the Buddhist tradition. In order of appearance, the panelists are:
Ken Wilber—Founder and President of Integral Institute.
Patrick Dunn—Co-director, Integral Buddhism Center at Integral Spiritual Center. Buddhist Studies Scholar.
Vidyuddeva—Zen Priest, Soto lineage.
Sally Kempton (Swami Durgananda)—Former senior teacher in the Siddha Yoga tradition, who now teaches and writes independently.
Diane Hamilton—Senior Student of Genpo Roshi and authorized Big Mind Process teacher.
Sam Bercholz—Founder and President of Shambhala Publications. Acharya, Shambhala lineage.
John Kesler—Senior Student of Genpo Roshi, authorized Big Mind Process teacher, and founding member of I-I.
Stuart Davis—singer\songwriter, founder of Dharma Pop Records, and Integral Naked guest host.
Our panelists fielded some questions from the audience, and lend real insight into some of the issues of community and the spiritual journey....
If a member of a spiritual community is feeling abused, is it the responsibility of the teacher or the student to rectify the situation? If someone is angry at being mugged, is it the attacker or the victim that is responsible for that feeling? Diane, Sam, and Vidyuddeva shared their thoughts on the ever-elusive ?middle way?....
Traditional disciplines may ignore situations such as a sudden influx of subtle energy, whereas an Integral approach makes room to work with them in an open and constructive manner. There may be better ways to handle Kundalini volcanoes than getting back to your cushion and staring at the wall....
A Volcano Erupts Inside You—and your Zen Teacher Says to Follow Your Breath…. |
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For many on the spiritual path, subtle energies are awakened in the body-mind that can be rather difficult to interpret. For example: "Help! There’s a power line plugged into the back of my heart and lightning bolts racing down my arms! What do I do?" Well, for this young chap&msash;get grounded, get a girlfriend!
What technology of tantra is useful in all situations? One that liberates the duality of pleasure and pain, and releases both to Infinity....
In this clip, Sally talks about the three types of Kundalini: Prana, Chit, and Samashti. Sally reveals her experience with Chit Kundalini, a Bakta experience of mystical awakening.
If your guru throws a pile of monkey poo at your head, do you take the hit and look for the lesson… or duck and run to another teacher?
The recent introduction of Buddhism into the individualistic West rocked us out of our comfort zones. As a result, abuses occurred not only at the hands of teachers but also at the hands of students. In this clip, the panel discusses the ways Integral Buddhism could change the student/teacher relationship.