Banish Helene to 7th Circle for Spamming, Please
Last post 12-14-2006, 11:53 PM by rholden. 504 replies.
08-28-2006, 7:30 AM |
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Re: Banish Helene to 7th Circle for Spamming, Please
The more I think about this, the more I think I have an idea that would work for all, and against all, if it came to that. (if this software even allows such, which it probably does not).
We can apply points to post yes?
Is it possible to apply negative points?
Much as slashdot has negative Karma, perhaps it should be so here, but with a difference. Get (arbitrary number....say 100) negative points in a set amount of time (say a week)....you are temporarily blocked from posting (for....say 3 days).
That would encourage people not to spam, and encourage speaking from their higher self. (I would think, anyway).
In a black and white picture....there's a lot of grey junk
08-28-2006, 8:00 AM |
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Re: Banish Helene to 7th Circle for Spamming, Please
What is this, the Integral country club?

08-28-2006, 8:02 AM |
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Re: Banish Helene to 7th Circle for Spamming, Please
Hi Helen, Helene: it took me all this time to comb-read all your post- threads , i gots no time now to blahblah my funny, veeery funy in fact, hinted at ealier, story ![Tongue Tied [:S]](../../../../../../Public/cs/emoticons/multiplex_subdomain/emotion-7.gif) i mean i would have if i wasn't so pressed for time.......
So the more we post, the less time you have for posting? Could work. ![Wink [;)]](../../../../../../Public/cs/emoticons/multiplex_subdomain/emotion-5.gif) I hope you understand that I mean you no harm. Peter
"All nations should be like Amsterdam" -- Ken Wilber
08-28-2006, 8:16 AM |
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Re: Banish Helene to 7th Circle for Spamming, Please
We could take a poll. All those in favor and all those against banishing Helen to the seventh circle

08-28-2006, 8:31 AM |
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Re: Banish Helene to 7th Circle for Spamming, Please
ok! ok! i be good now![Stick out tongue [:P]](../../../../../../Public/cs/emoticons/multiplex_subdomain/emotion-4.gif)
ok? ok so i was at a mega-big "biggest in the world" psychic fair, many moons ago. the booth readers could read every thing under the sun...watched with surprise a shaman-woman working with 'candle healing', while agressivly chewing out her young, frightened looking woman asistant...who was so shaky - handed the candle didn't want to light up. each faild attempt left the master-healer in-rage breaking the candle and throwing it out.
my friend asked apparently 'world famous' , south american shaman healer-man "who were you teachers?" - as if she could compare notes? he looked annoyed and scuffed her off. i think she was hope-fishing for a free-sample healing.
ok, so while waiting for her gather her free sample / remedies, i mosied over to the far end of the building and began checking out some wican book titles... i noticed the very pretty young witch was giving me funny glances....she wore a very beautiful oak leaf pattere pentegram (star of david) neklace...and told her how gorgeous it was! .. she smiled in an 'under her breath' kind of style ... and then i noticed a guy from across the isle sporting "barabra brennan" (author of Hands of Light - energy healer) healing school banner giving me the eye;) ... and then i realized! i was wearing my very large (costum jewlery) gothic looking crucifix! with large red oval stone - in middle-part....a perfect match for my gypsy skirt and reddish hair ![Smile [:)]](../../../../../../Public/cs/emoticons/multiplex_subdomain/emotion-1.gif)
"do i know you, have we met?" - asked the smiling man from across the isle..."must be the enrgy thing" ![Big Smile [:D]](../../../../../../Public/cs/emoticons/multiplex_subdomain/emotion-2.gif)
gotta fun story? fire away, eh?
08-28-2006, 8:41 AM |
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Re: Banish Helene to 7th Circle for Spamming, Please
Ramsses:What a brilliant post, Mike (mroark). We do have moderators, don't we? This is what moderators are for. Controversial posters who relentlessly antagonize a substantial body of the forum should be put to a vote, put on probation, or banned. The forum administrator needs to address this issue.
Hi Ramsses
I notice that these days the posts no longer clearly indicate what post you are responding to - on my computer (at home or work) the posts no longer seem to be numbered individually at all. I suspect this change was made in an attempt to resolve the problem with threads becoming unusable, but who knows? In any case, with a post like this, could you indicate what post you're replying to by quoting a relevant section please?
As for your point, I personally think any such democratic process would be too cumbersome and bog everything down. There need to be rules (the road rules will do IMO) and someone with the power to make decisions in these cases combined with the will/courage to do so.
spiral out,
I am seeking meaningful work. bio: http://aqalicious.gaia.com/ I spend most of my "forum time" these days on The Integral Pod: http://pods.gaia.com/ii/ "You've never seen everything." - Bruce Cockburn
08-28-2006, 8:48 AM |
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Re: Banish Helene to 7th Circle for Spamming, Please
Liz says:
The other reason is simply that we are tired of it. So Corey has asked just that we keep an eye on things and report stuff like threads crashing and stuff like that. We would never do anything without full disclosure to the person whose post we changed. I think I've done this once or twice when asked to by the poster, but it hasn't happened in months.
To which I would add:
- we don't seem to have any powers that would help us fix a thread (like editing a post).
- Even that low level of facilitation (keeping an eye on things and reporting on them) is unworkable if there is no viable way to communicate; and my attempts to communicate with Corey (on non-Helene-related stuff) has been unsuccessful for 10 days and counting.
There's no one minding the store, folks. ![Smile [:)]](../../../../../../Public/cs/emoticons/multiplex_subdomain/emotion-1.gif)
I am seeking meaningful work. bio: http://aqalicious.gaia.com/ I spend most of my "forum time" these days on The Integral Pod: http://pods.gaia.com/ii/ "You've never seen everything." - Bruce Cockburn
08-28-2006, 8:51 AM |
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Re: Banish Helene to 7th Circle for Spamming, Please
Damn this does enter into tricky waters. The word clusterfuck comes to mind. Here are my quick thought notes on the matter:
You, I, Coppersun, are all reactive. The forum is reactive. The world is reactive. What do we do.
There has to be some sort of establishment of a non- reactive space and the poise and patience to keep circling/falling back to it. The trouble being that poise and patience itself assumes non-reactivity. Ha.
None of us are really equipped to reason our way through reactivity. None of us are that strong, smart, above it all. Not me anyhow.
So I guess all we may do is keep at our worthy aims while continuing to cut each other some slack. (and not be too worthy about our 'worthy aims', natch).
And relax a little on the reasoning, on the wording our way through it to some defined aim.
Oh, yeah, metta, that's my only trick when the knots get too tight. God up.
Which is to say, in answer to your question, you needn't say another word, though, I certainly don't tire of your thoughts. They are read with interest when the ground is strong and the delivery clean. And when not, well I guess I'll have to try and cut you that same slack you might have to allow me.
Its all the damn same: attention, openness, patience: conscious action inseparable.
You can let me know if thats all just too pat and you were looking for another answer.
Good stuff. Nope, this is a great answer. Thanks. Slack is good, lol! Interestingly, as this has gone on, I've felt more and more grateful and happy and have let go of any attachments around this issue. I see, much as Jane has in the past, this dance we're doing together. Reactions and all, it's been more fodder for growth. Arthur an I were talking about this last night, and I said to him, "I'll bet people think we only reinforce each other's shit and never actually reflect on any negative feedback we get." And he wisely said that we all do that to each other. Assume the worst, assume that we don't hear it when people tell us we might be projecting or reacting to stuff. That's so true. I think the antidote is just being completely honest about it, even when it's not going to reflect so well on one's self. And let me tell you, Arthur and I are now absolutely perfect in every way, thankyouverymuch. Give us complete control over this forum and your minds and we'll take care of everything for you. We're going to snake your plane like you've never seen before. Liz
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08-28-2006, 8:54 AM |
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Re: Banish Helene to 7th Circle for Spamming, Please
Here is Mike's post, Arthur. Democracy or autocracy, either way, I am in agreement with you. Helene should be enshrined and contained.
Spirals right backatchya,
This interesting Thread, invoking so many perspectives pertaining to a (perceived) problem and the ensuing problem solving perspectives, covers a lot of ground.
It invokes subjects that range from the purpose and ethics of the Forum along with the role of Forum leadership to the legitimacy of Helene’s intent. It pushes buttons too.
One thing for sure, on IN Forums, Helene is singularly unique given the sheer volume and quirky content of her posts.
I suppose that unless we know Helene personally and how she lives, we have only our best guesses about where she is really coming from. There is the perspective that she is somehow a highly evolved, transcendental being wise woman (living in the “thinga-ma-jig of heavenly transcendental soul” as Helene would say) spouting pearls of crazy wisdom (perhaps as some form of antidote for the poor schleppers that still root around on the toilet bowl level of intellectual / cognitive inquiry within the pithier threads). Another guess is that Helene has an inordinate amount of free time, craves attention, has studied a great deal in the realm of quasi-spiritual disciplines and spent time with a number of related groups yet maintains an unfocused, wandering and frenetic mind and has burned in on the Forum as a source of community and gratification for her considerable needs and as an outlet for her highly translational knowledge. And then there is everything in between.
On one hand, she (apparently) provides insights for many that actually read what she writes and find a way to interpret the often cryptic writings to their benefit; and then there are the many for whom she clearly distracts from the continuity of good discussions (likened by one fellow-poster to a dog obsessively marking their property with urine). Then again, there is the triggering she provides for many that can be used as helpful pointers to get at sticky internal wickets, etc, etc.
I personally find a great disrespect and degree of unconsciousness expressed by the content, quantity and placement of her ubiquitous posts. And I don’t like the idea of discounting any person’s value by automatically resorting to the scroll bar when I see their name or closing my eyes to a lack of quality in a community I am participating with. When her posts have at least some reference to the conversation at hand, I don’t see a problem in quality (though her comments may not resonate with me whatsoever). When her posts have no theoretical or direct tie into the conversation then it does distract from quality, from my perspective.
If there was a group sitting together with the intent of having a focused discussion on a subject, and there was a Helene there contributing freely along the lines of the free-form, stream-of-consciousness manner that seems to be her style, would she be invited back? I suppose it would have much to do with the purpose of the discussion and the need for focus.
Obviously Helene is a special case on the IN Forum. I don’t see any guidelines in place to provide a way to change the current situation. In one way the Helene phenomena provides a good conversation, but at what point does it get to be wasting time to beat a dead horse?
Have there been others along the way that have ‘not been invited back’?
08-28-2006, 9:02 AM |
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Re: Banish Helene to 7th Circle for Spamming, Please
As Arthur's lawyer (why not?), I will answer these questions. I a noted and qualified jail house lawyer having served 7 to 15 in Rahway state prison, on a trumped up charge, whereby I mastered the uncommon law of this land, have been retained by St Helene to defend her against the unjust attempt to banish her to the 7th circle.
I will initiate her defense forthwith, by asking questions of her chief accuser:
Question number 1:
To Adastra:
When exactly time and place, in your psyche did you decide this brainstorm to insult and banish St Helene?
August 13th, 1975. That bitch is all OVER the time/space continuum.
Question 2:
What particular post (name, date, and thread) galvanized you to pursue this jihad against a saint of god?
You're kidding, right? He never reads any of her posts, never has.
Question 3:
What is your sexual orientation?
Arthur is a lesbian in a man's body. He's also posessed by a Hindu god with a great big...nose, Ganesh.
Question 4:
Do you have erotic fantasies about saintly woman?
Duh. Have you seen his girlfriend?
Question 5:
Do you have erotic fantasies about transvestites in drag?
See answer to question 4.
Question 6:
Do you have erotic fantasies about holy men with bald heads?
Ok, now, doesn't everbody? Not only would Arthur let Ken have his way with him, I'd get to watch.
Question 7:
Did you vote for George Bush?
Arthur's Canadian, eh? He watched from the sidelines in horror, both times the election was stolen.
Question 8:
If so, what possessed you to do so?
Is George Bush a shape shifter?
Good question. Yes.
Question 9
Do you think Vice President Chaney is a shape shifting reptile?
Well, it's agreed upon in scientific circles that he's not human. We're not really sure if he is advanced enough for reptilian thought.
Question 10
Do you think St Helene is smarter than you?
Ok, you've seen the movie One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, right?
Question 11
Where you abused as a child by a woman or your Grandmother?
My client will take the fifth amendment on that one.
Question 12
Are you jealous of St Helen’s wisdom?
No, but he's desperate to see what she looks like.
That’s it for now
Please answer in a timely manner, so we can decide whether to pursue legal action against this blasphemy!
Tam Goddess, esq.
Upgrade to ISC! http://integralinstitute.org/public/static/multispirit.aspx http://pods.gaia.com/ii
08-28-2006, 9:27 AM |
Joined on 07-17-2006
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Re: Banish Helene to 7th Circle for Spamming, Please
"I'll bet people think we only reinforce each other's shit and never
actually reflect on any negative feedback we get." Like that
quote, Tamgodess. You have shown a clear responsibility for your
words and have responded to everyone's concerns.
Helene, on the other hand, has yet to respond to anyone's concerns, and
I have never seen her apologize sincerely once. I've never seen
her back off of anyone's thread and apologize in that thread. I
have never seen her take responsibility for any harm, whether
intentioned or not. If I accidentally harm someone, I will take
responsibility for it, apologize and try to make ammends.
08-28-2006, 9:31 AM |
Joined on 08-02-2006
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Re: Banish Helene to 7th Circle for Spamming, Please
It is the opinion of the court that the case Arthur vrs. Helene has been motivated solely by rampant sexual desire, latent homosexuality, transparent transsexuality, malicious projection, and infantile self-absorption. Helene is found guilty as charged. Case dismissed.
08-28-2006, 9:31 AM |
Joined on 06-23-2006
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Re: Banish Helene to 7th Circle for Spamming, Please
adastra:I notice that these days the posts no longer clearly indicate what post
you are responding to - on my computer (at home or work) the posts no
longer seem to be numbered individually at all.
Strange -- for me it works like it always has, with post numbers in the top right-hand corner. Peter
"All nations should be like Amsterdam" -- Ken Wilber
08-28-2006, 10:05 AM |
Joined on 07-17-2006
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Re: Banish Helene to 7th Circle for Spamming, Please
I'd like to see an option in our profile section where we can ban
certain members from posting to threads that we start. Then
anyone who starts a thread and doesn't want certain people to
contribute can select the option to ban those that are personally
selected in the "to ban" list. That might be passive-aggressive,
but could go a long way to satisfying those who feel their threads are
being hijacked or contaminated.
I have started quite a few technical threads in the Theory Au Nautrale
section, only to have it hijacked to be more like an Interplay thread,
or have two or three people turn it into a personal debate on an
irrelevant issue. And, I have also seen, to my chagrin, my post
on someone else's thread be the thread killer. I would like the
option to ban someone from my thread to preserve the focus, and even to
remove irrelevant posts and possibly have them restarted in a new
thread. Either that, or a responsive adminstrator who can do that
for us. If IN had a REAL full-time administrator, it would be duck soup.
If I were banned but motivated enough, I could start a new thread
commenting on the other thread, thus preserving the "sanctity" of the
original thread.
08-28-2006, 11:20 AM |
Joined on 08-01-2006
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Re: Banish Helene to 7th Circle for Spamming, Please
tamgoddess:As Arthur's lawyer (why not?), I will answer these questions.
I a noted and qualified jail house lawyer having served 7 to 15 in Rahway state prison, on a trumped up charge, whereby I mastered the uncommon law of this land, have been retained by St Helene to defend her against the unjust attempt to banish her to the 7th circle.
I will initiate her defense forthwith, by asking questions of her chief accuser:
Question number 1:
To Adastra:
When exactly time and place, in your psyche did you decide this brainstorm to insult and banish St Helene?
August 13th, 1975. That bitch is all OVER the time/space continuum.
Question 2:
What particular post (name, date, and thread) galvanized you to pursue this jihad against a saint of god?
You're kidding, right? He never reads any of her posts, never has.
Question 3:
What is your sexual orientation?
Arthur is a lesbian in a man's body. He's also posessed by a Hindu god with a great big...nose, Ganesh.
Question 4:
Do you have erotic fantasies about saintly woman?
Duh. Have you seen his girlfriend?
Question 5:
Do you have erotic fantasies about transvestites in drag?
See answer to question 4.
Question 6:
Do you have erotic fantasies about holy men with bald heads?
Ok, now, doesn't everbody? Not only would Arthur let Ken have his way with him, I'd get to watch.
Question 7:
Did you vote for George Bush?
Arthur's Canadian, eh? He watched from the sidelines in horror, both times the election was stolen.
Question 8:
If so, what possessed you to do so?
Is George Bush a shape shifter?
Good question. Yes.
Question 9
Do you think Vice President Chaney is a shape shifting reptile?
Well, it's agreed upon in scientific circles that he's not human. We're not really sure if he is advanced enough for reptilian thought.
Question 10
Do you think St Helene is smarter than you?
Ok, you've seen the movie One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, right?
Question 11
Where you abused as a child by a woman or your Grandmother?
My client will take the fifth amendment on that one.
Question 12
Are you jealous of St Helen’s wisdom?
No, but he's desperate to see what she looks like.
That’s it for now
Please answer in a timely manner, so we can decide whether to pursue legal action against this blasphemy!
Tam Goddess, esq.
I am sorry Liz you are in contempt of court. Only the defendant can answer those questions or he will be extradited from Canada to answer the lawsuit.
And one more thing
My client Helen says she will sue Adastra
And he will be forced to take that god dammed silly grin off his face once and for all!
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