Update on Ken's Health
Last post 12-27-2006, 6:01 PM by Castel. 168 replies.
12-15-2006, 12:29 AM |
Joined on 06-27-2006
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Re: Ken's health getting better!
Welcome M. Kannan. What a wonderful, heartfelt first post! Here is a huge big continents-wide hug for you and your beautiful soul
_____cklick on pic______
12-15-2006, 12:21 PM |
Joined on 06-09-2006
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Re: Ken's health getting better!
Hello Dearest Friends,
I have the best news ever for everybody who’s been waiting. Finally, Ken Wilber has returned home from the hospital. We hear that he is happy and excited to be back. Let’s give him a little time until he is ready to hop around the block again. We want you resting and taking all the time you need, Ken. Don’t make us come get you, if you getting too adventurous too soon!
Do you folks even know how much your being with us at this time meant to us in the past few weeks and days? Your prayers and love had an incredible effect; I believe that without a doubt. I am and We are honored – Profoundly Honored – to have you on this wild ride that is ‘integral’ with all its beauty, chaos, ups, downs, and most especially, during sickness and in health.
Your support, friendship and love means so much.
Hugs to you all,
Nomali @ ISC
Nomali ~Save the Earth- it's the only planet with Chocolate.
12-15-2006, 12:30 PM |
Joined on 06-09-2006
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Re: Ken's health getting better!
Hello Kannan!
Please let me join Mascha in welcoming you to ISC! How wonderful that you are joining all the way from Bangalore, India (where, by the way, I had a lovely month long retreat at the Sri Vivekananda Ashram). Your prayers for Ken are most welcome!! You’ll be happy to know he is now back home.
All the best!
Nomali ~Save the Earth- it's the only planet with Chocolate.
12-15-2006, 1:15 PM |
Joined on 06-27-2006
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Re: Ken's health getting better!
It's great to know you're home, Ken.
I invoke all the Dakinis and Taras in town to keep you strapped to your seat and distracted by the infinite bliss they bestow for a looong time.
12-15-2006, 7:09 PM |
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Re: Ken's health getting better!
12-15-2006, 7:10 PM |
Joined on 08-02-2006
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Re: Ken's health getting better!
Hmmm, I posted the above message twice by accident and then it would only let me edit, (not delete) the second posting. Ha, thats gotta be a message...
So, once again with bells on:
Go Ken, :-)) :-))
Great to hear you're back.
12-15-2006, 7:49 PM |
Joined on 06-16-2006
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Re: Ken's health getting better!
That's great news!
It must be hard for him to rest since he's been moving so fast for such a long time. Hey, get him one of the shock collars and zap him if he goes near his computer, ;~) just kidding!
I'm relived to hear he is healing and in good spirits.
Also I hope his gf Becca is doing ok and of course Colin and all the people who are caring for him and you too Nomali. Your care, concern and love was shining through your updates, thank you.
I am experiencing a deep shift in witnessing since the latest IN dialog came out Monday. A couple of times this week while listening to the 'perfect practice' my mind stopped right in its tracks. As usual I don't know if I'm getting it or just thinking I'm getting it but something is up. I think those pointing out instructions are about the best he has ever done. If a sleep walking idiot like me can stir from my life long dream/nightmare by listening to two good friends talk on the phone I hope many others will wake up all the way.
Keeping you all in my heart, Mark
12-16-2006, 2:41 AM |
12-18-2006, 7:41 AM |
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Re: Ken's health getting better!
Dear M. Kannan: Your e-mail touched me. Brought up feelings that come from
all the waiting which is hard sometimes and then the Grace of Timing. Welcome to Integral. I want to tell you a story about a connection I had with a woman from India. I will when there is more time.
I want to go. I think I can only dream. Love Pattye
12-18-2006, 7:46 AM |
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Re: Ken's health getting better!
Dear Ken: So Thankful for your recovery, at least the beginning. It must be re-assuring to have been tested for Everything, if you were. That is what they usually do.
And to find the nuture and care that most hospitals give. I hope you get a totally clean bill of health. Much Love Pattye
12-18-2006, 2:04 PM |
Joined on 11-19-2006
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Re: Update on Ken's Health
God's speed to your full recovery Mr. Wilber. Thank you paving the way, and know that you've been that influence you've tried to be to the next generation and generations yet to come. Know that your AQAL will always be in my mind as I do my own research in the future. I can only hope to attain half of the good will and karma that you have.
"The extreme complexity of man's emotional reactions to life finds necessarily its counterpart in his attitude to death." -Malinowski
12-18-2006, 11:37 PM |
Joined on 12-11-2006
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Re: Ken's health getting better!
Dear Mascha, Thank You for the lovely welcome message.
We all are very relieved, I suppose, hearing about Ken's recovery and to learn he his back home.
Oh yes, the picture you posted, is just Wonderful !. Just looking at it makes me feel very light and free. Thanks, once again.
12-19-2006, 10:27 AM |
Joined on 06-27-2006
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Re: Ken's health getting better!
mkannan:We all are very relieved, I suppose, hearing about Ken's recovery and to learn he his back home.
Oh yes, the picture you posted, is just Wonderful !. Just looking at it makes me feel very light and free.
Thank you, M. Kannan. I should have mentioned the painter's name: it's Blake Flynn. He'll probably be happy to know what you said on this unique thread. 149 replies so far... like beads in a mala or rosary.
With love from the other M.
P.S. Just now I realized that I , we, completely overlooked Lindsey and aimushin/Carolina's beautiful first posts on page 9 of this thread. I'm sorry about that and want to say, everything said to Kannan was meant for you also.
12-20-2006, 2:53 AM |
Joined on 12-11-2006
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Re: Ken's health getting better!
Dear Nomali,
Thank you for welcoming me to ISC.
Finally, a great relief to learn that Ken has recovered and that he is back home. I am amazed at the speed of his recovery, although I am not aware about the exact nature of his ailments. We are all very happy and that all our prayers were answered swiftly. Hope Ken rests sufficiently, no matter how long, before resuming any activity.
Ah ! You have been to Bangalore !! Hope you had a good time here. Please let me know when your visiting this part of the counrty next time.
It is so great to meet this wonderful community of people here in these Integral Fora.
Thank you guys for making all this possible.
With Very Best of Wishes,
M. Kannan
12-20-2006, 3:12 AM |
Joined on 12-11-2006
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Re: Ken's health getting better!
Dear Pattye,
Thank you for the kind message.
It is really a "Nirvana" of sorts when things start falling in place. But then, as you have said, it is all The Grace of Timing. However, the wait can be, well, metaphorically a "Dark Night", as they say.
What is this connection you had with this person from India. An enlightening one I suppose !
I am glad to know Ken is back home. Let's look forward for more Integral action (of course, after he has rested and recovered completely)
Love, Kannan
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