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Update on Ken's Health

Last post 12-27-2006, 6:01 PM by Castel. 168 replies.
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  •  12-27-2006, 7:46 AM 17245 in reply to 17234


    Dear Mr. Wilber,

    Thank you so, so much for sharing with all of us the gruesome ordeal that you have gone through the past 3 weeks. We are all so relieved and delighted to learn about your well-being. I am sure that there were innumerable souls, known and unknown, that were praying for your swift and painless recovery. We hope and pray that you don't get this or any kind illness episodes in the future.

    I am at a loss of words to convey my true feelings of gratitude to the Almighty for performing such a miracle.

    Wishing you a long, long, healthy and blissful LIFE.

    Special thanks to you Nomali for keeping us all so well informed. So kind and sweet of you to do that.

    With Love,

    M. Kannan

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  •  12-27-2006, 9:22 AM 17251 in reply to 17234


    Welcome back Ken!

    I was touched by the hospital report, and it strongly reminded me about something I read about the illness and passing of the Sixteenth Karmapa (See "Secret of the Vajra world" by R.A. Ray).

    This is a rare example of a realised lama dying in a western hospital, i.e. outside the traditional Tibetan seting.

    The story is told by Dr. Mitchell Levy:

    "I walked into the room and he was sitting up in bed. Just up.  And his eyes were wide open and the force of his will was immense, and he turned to me and said in English (of which he knew only a few phrases), 'Hello. How are you?'

    "And within thirty minutes, all his vital signs got stable and to a normal level, and he stopped bleeding. I walked out after about an hour of being in the room, and one of the staff from the intensive care unit came up and he said, 'Look at my arms.' and I looked and he had goose bumps all up and down his arms. No one had ever seen anything like this in their lives.  The force of his will was so  strong, and he wasn't ready to die yet. I am completely convinced that he willed himself back into stability. I had never seen anything remotely resembling this, or even read or heard about such a thing. "


    The whole account can be found here:


    good to have you back Ken

    tonglen really works :)


    um ah hung


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  •  12-27-2006, 5:59 PM 17276 in reply to 17243


    Dear God, what a terrible, beautiful tale.

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  •  12-27-2006, 6:01 PM 17277 in reply to 17276


    And an interesting view from Ken that certain karmas only emerge when the body/mind is strong and ready - and thus may be seen as a positive sign.... of sorts.

    Ken Wilber as lightning rod, indeed.
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