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Anyone in the Multiplex from Boston???

Last post 01-04-2008, 4:28 PM by tamgoddess. 5 replies.
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  •  06-25-2006, 7:11 PM 464

    Yes [Y] Anyone in the Multiplex from Boston???

    Hey All,
    I know there's a Ken Wilber meet-up group here in the Boston area, but let's make our presence felt in the virtual space as well, particularly for folks (like me) who find it difficult to attend the meet-ups due to scheduling, etc.
    There are two types of conversations worth having; those about the deepest things, and gossip!
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  •  06-27-2006, 9:08 AM 539 in reply to 464

    • slbrown is not online. Last active: 10-26-2006, 10:30 AM slbrown
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    Re: Anyone in the Multiplex from Boston???

    Hi Kameshvar,

    I'm not from Boston, but I am from Massachusetts, out west in the Berkshires. Great to meet another Baystater Integral fan!


    And right there was everything I knew and I could not say what that was. - Natalie Goldberg
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  •  06-30-2006, 8:22 AM 654 in reply to 464

    Re: Anyone in the Multiplex from Boston???

    I'm in Somerville, at least for another month or so. I didn't know about the meetup. Where would I find out more about it?

    Peace, Love, and Bicycles,
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  •  08-01-2006, 2:03 PM 2752 in reply to 654

    Re: Anyone in the Multiplex from Boston???

    The KW Boston Meet up group is great.  Take a peek at then search for "Boston Ken Wilber Meetup Group.  We meet monthly, have great topics, a great group. 

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  •  08-09-2006, 4:51 AM 3827 in reply to 2752

    Re: Anyone in the Multiplex from Boston???

    We had a wonderful Meet-up meeting last night in Newton Centre at a beautifil integral yoga studio.  Big group/potluck -- almost 30 people.  We are making plans for the fall to have meetings that include some practice (meditation, yoga, 3-2-1, etc.), some discussion, some movies, etc.   Great people and the beginning of an integral meeting place and community -- local and face to face.  We are meeting monthly this summer and will try twice monthly in the fall.  More information at search "Boston Ken Wilber Meetup".  Very exciting to be part of this growing community. 



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  •  01-04-2008, 4:28 PM 35638 in reply to 464

    Re: Anyone in the Multiplex from Boston???

    I thought you might be interested to know that Boston resident Linda Marks is organizing a workshop with Robert Augustus Masters and Diane Bardwell in Newton, MA March 1-2, 2025.

    Robert has been a featured guest on Integral Naked and the subject of numerous posts and threads on the Multiplex (including the popular Robert Augustus Masters Q&A thread).

    Here is Linda's announcement:

    I am always on the lookout for people who are doing the very best personal growth workshops...and I am grateful that through the Zaadz community, I have been introduced to the leading edge work of Robert Masters and Diane Bardwell.

    This work is so personal and powerful that I wanted to share it. So, I am bringing Robert and Diane to Boston March 1 - 2 for a very special Transformation Through Intimacy workshop.

    Robert and Diane work with a small group of 14 people, so that EVERYONE gets a chance to have a turn to work on what is most important for them to move forward with what matters most in their lives.

    This program is usually $700/person, but because I am donating the workshop space here in Newton, providing room and board for Robert and Diane, I have been able to reduce the fee to $475 to make it more accessible to those in my immediate community.

    If you are interested in doing core level healing and growth work to deepen your most important relationships and/or attract a truly sustainable relationship into your life, please contact me about participating in this very special workshop.

    Heartfully, Linda

    Transformation Through Intimacy Workshop

    March 1 - 2

    Weekend workshop

    Newton, MA

    So many people are yearning to be in a truly intimate relationship--a relationship that constantly enlivens, deepens and awakens us--and wonder why the relationships we find ourselves in don't really work the way we want them to.

    This workshop is for people who want to cultivate and sustain a relationship that works at all levels-- whether you are currently in a relationship or wish to attract an equal partner with whom to create a relationship.

    To create the truly intimate relationship we desire asks us to face, really face, and work through whatever it is in us that's in the way of attracting our beloved and/or building the deep, sustaining relationship we want in our heart of hearts. This means not only facing our doubts and self-defeating beliefs, but also facing and working through originating forces that underlie such doubts and beliefs, realizing that we'll only have our heart's deepest desire when we cease fighting the preparatory fire.

    We need to fully align with what we long for--a relationship that actually works on every level. This requires that we not only clearly see our conditioning, but also that we also cease letting it run us. And we don't do this by somehow getting ride of our conditioning, but relating TO it, instead of FROM it.

    In this workshop, we'll look at what is in the way of truly attracting and sustaining the relationship we really want, and then we'll work with it, directly and deeply, through an intuitive mix of psychotherapy, bodywork, emotional release, Gestalt, and spiritual deepening practices.

    All you need to do is bring your longing for deep relational intimacy to the group. That longing, that primal need, is your truest guide to creating a relationship that works on every level.

    This workshop is limited to just 14 participants, so register early, to assure a place in the group.

    About Robert Masters: Robert's passion is to fuel, illuminate and support the living of a deeper life, a life of love, integrity and full-blooded awakening. Providing environments (both inner and outer) in which deep healing and transformation take place is his vocation and privilege. Robert holds a Ph.D. in Psychology and has worked as a psychotherapist, group leader, bodyworker and teacher of spiritual deepening practices since 1977. Along with his wife Diane Bardwell, whose background includes music and healing, he leads transformational healing workshops.

    Robert is the author of seven books, including the newly released Transformation Through Intimacy.

    For more information about Robert and Diane's work...

    To register: e-mail, to arrange a phone interview. 



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