Random Pictures for No Particular Reason
Last post 09-08-2008, 6:05 PM by integralboy. 360 replies.
04-30-2007, 7:27 AM |
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Re: Random Pictures for No Particular Reason
'I' intention, which doesn't interfere with the intention of the universal 'I' is high-voltage 'pure'.
Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children.
O great intelligent Being! hidden and existing in and for the universe, You can hear me because You are within me and You can see me because You are all-seeing; please drop within my soul a seed of Your wisdom to grow a sapling in Your forest and to give of Your fruit. Amen!
-Gibran's quote from Mirrors of the Soul
And speaking of 'saplings', saw (lots of 'em) in-vision, growing inside a dwelling this am's CongressUnion. (brushing my hand on 'em)
Edit-on , 'and speaking of saplings' ... there was more!
Was really studying the image of a tree, whose leaves were/look 'delicate' , as opposed to 'heavy'... A tree , whose mirror-image (double) was reflected , was inside the room.
04-30-2007, 10:36 AM |
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Re: Random Pictures for No Particular Reason
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04-30-2007, 11:15 AM |
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Re: Random Pictures for No Particular Reason
Heidi is a pirate bitch wannabe. Just sayin'
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05-02-2007, 7:08 AM |
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Re: Random Pictures for No Particular Reason
Summer 92 - I was assigned an archeological dig, was extremly important, famous in fact right in my own back yard" -
- thus she scribbled in gist...this archeological dig I worked on was in the back garden in the home I grew up in..On the right side of property A very secluded , on a legde-like , or wide dip in the landscape step/stair ...In - vision , marvelling at bits of gold.....The very 'step/ledge I used for my alone-private "gymnastics" moments .... which were more like body contortions...Many years later realizing those contortions had a name - "yoga" . Very advance yoga poses, in fact ![Embarrassed [:$]](../../../../../../../Public/cs/emoticons/multiplex_subdomain/emotion-10.gif)
05-04-2007, 8:47 AM |
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Re: Random Pictures for No Particular Reason
"We are like the spider. We weave our life and then move along in it. We
are like the dreamer who dreams and then lives in the dream. This is
true for the entire universe." - Aitareya Upanishad
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05-04-2007, 9:05 AM |
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Re: Random Pictures for No Particular Reason
Yes...and speaking of dream yoga. The above scrible-mentioned 'ledge' spot , which sloped to a lower still level, (in the back garden's left side , where the path was ) served me well during my in-dream flying lessons:) which was the next gigher level step, after practicing standing on air by stepping off a chair ... with brotheres and sisters looking on.
Yah, because running down the field's slopes at a neck braking speed was somtimes "almost air-borne!" scary, to get that 'flying feeling'. Hated the birds! so fancy-free![Stick out tongue [:P]](../../../../../../../Public/cs/emoticons/multiplex_subdomain/emotion-4.gif)
It is said, 'practice makes perfect', that's exactly what I did! In order to get air-born , first I had to gallop to get to the edge ,( before its dip-point) and then stay a-floating at same level as the upper-level ground for spells at the time. Took effort!
Recall few sitting on roof-top in dense fog moments , unable to fly anywhere... listening to voices...feeling trapped. "Not for the rest of my life!"
05-04-2007, 11:06 AM |
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Re: Random Pictures for No Particular Reason
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05-04-2007, 2:44 PM |
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Re: Random Pictures for No Particular Reason
Hi tamgodess,
I was wondering what the html code was to post pics in the threads, and what you were using as source for the photos?
peace jess
Phoenix Rising Higher
05-04-2007, 3:16 PM |
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Re: Random Pictures for No Particular Reason
will explain shortly...for now, check this out. kewl.
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05-04-2007, 4:11 PM |
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Re: Random Pictures for No Particular Reason
Hi, Jess!
When you're writing your post, go up to the tabs on the top and click on "options." At the top there's a button to "add/update" the attachments, and from there you get a window that lets you browse your computer for photos. If memory serves, it needs to be a jpeg or gif, and I think the file size limit is around 200k.. Sometimes you'll get a message that your pic is too big, so you'll need to have an image editing program to make pictures smaller.
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05-04-2007, 4:15 PM |
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Re: Random Pictures for No Particular Reason
Thanks, Liz. You took the words right out of my mouth.
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05-05-2007, 6:38 PM |
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Re: Random Pictures for No Particular Reason
when the going gets tough, the tough get...KITTENS!
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05-06-2007, 7:24 AM |
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Re: Random Pictures for No Particular Reason
....Being here in the flow of life....
Who am I?
...Always open to itself...
all objects (are) experienced in the subject
wherever I look there I am!
05-06-2007, 11:08 AM |
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Re: Random Pictures for No Particular Reason
Wherever she looks , there I am![Big Smile [:D]](../../../../../../../Public/cs/emoticons/multiplex_subdomain/emotion-2.gif)
Am's CongressUnion seven fifteen-ish moment ... 'vertical-body streaming' ... flooooooowing endlessly it seemed with the melody of ecstaticaly blissful energy ... about foot and a half mid-body (above) one, left hand , def. 'male' looking subtle hand , 'palm-streaming' (towards me) clear / transparent energy ... then noticed 'his' right 'streaming' hand....then body-felt , both legs gently 'landing' on bed.
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