Integral Leadership Review interviews Robb Smith
Last post 06-21-2007, 8:00 AM by bricoler. 29 replies.
06-07-2007, 10:07 AM |
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Integral Leadership Review interviews Robb Smith
In a fascinating interview published just today, Keith Bellamy from Integral Leadership Review (an online publication of integrally informed approaches to leadership)
speaks with Robb Smith, the newly appointed CEO of Integral Institute.
They discuss Robb's own perspective of what it takes to be an integral
leader, as well as some of the unique challenges and opportunities that
come with trying to bring a company like I-I to a new level of
organizational development. This is, needless to say, quite a daunting
task—one which Robb takes on with both great humility and great acuity,
as well as an undeniable devotion to helping further sharpen a very
real spearhead of conscious evolution in today's world. To listen to the full hour-plus interview, click here.
To read the ILR article, click here.
__________________________ Corey W. deVos (dj rekluse) Brand Manager, Integral Naked Audio Manager, Integral Institute Managing Editor, KenWilber.com __________________________
06-07-2007, 2:08 PM |
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Integral Leadership Review interviews Robb Smith
I have listened his introduction and read the text, here are couple thoughts:
I feel he kept off the hard subject ( blue-orange monetary system - II as a second tier ) , but I am happy he admitted the visible chaos at II and said it is unacceptable. His vision is pretentious. Longing to see order at II.
It is very positive he introduces himself personally and professionally. he seems open (and as a good former VC gives a "dribble"-s.) He speaks fluently without stammering, and spaces, I like that.
I feel II is in a inner process defining its identity, Robb slightly addressed that issue as well, I wish him the best, a slight mistake now at the principles, could have incredible affect in the future!
It seem II defined itself legally as a legal entity non-profit org, using copyrights and various of fees and services. But II has not defined itself sufficiently.
My biggest concern is the concept of “Turquoise CEO", who is leading a Turquoise non-profit enterprises. Obviously and fundamentally a Turquoise corporation works in different bases, using different terms and conditions.
Realistically and healthily how could you build II by using classic salary and employee system? So I see a a lack of proper inner system plan, importing the current (blue-orange) it might be not good!
Let me give some example:
If the labour contracts (employee) using typical law text and context, then they definitively and unconsciousnessly presuppose and support blue-orange meme tremendously... set up it and fix it! I believe that I do not have to explain how and why...(property,liable,sue,apprehension, and phobia are the basis... they are not positively configured at all). I hired and trained people in this system, and soon realized that it is just not working. Do not get me wrong: I am not a blind hippy, I do not want to get rid responsibility for work, accountability, perfectly planned system. I just emphasize my experience: if the basis are blue-orange the building could not be turquoise.
Anyways these are just an outsider thoughts and maybe wrong, what you think as a worker there?
06-07-2007, 2:28 PM |
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Re: Integral Leadership Review interviews Robb Smith
"Any intellectual property developed for or contributed to Integral Institute by me or anyone else becomes the exclusive property of Integral Institute without further compensation unless explicit contractual agreement for compensation or co-ownership have been arranged with Integral Institute in advance. Should I contribute intellectual property created by or claimed to be created by others, I agree to indemnify Integral Institute for any costs or damages to which it may become liable as a result thereof. I further understand that this provision includes but is not limited to web and other designs, writing and photographs" - quote from contract of II.
Just out of curiosity, where did you get this information? Nothing of this sort has been made public, and this is actually a misquote of current policy, which is still actually being hammered out.....
__________________________ Corey W. deVos (dj rekluse) Brand Manager, Integral Naked Audio Manager, Integral Institute Managing Editor, KenWilber.com __________________________
06-07-2007, 2:44 PM |
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Integral Leadership Review interviews Robb Smith
Hello, Attack was not meant, this information is available under Files menu.
I did not mean harm, or did not want to misquote or hurt you or II, I am enthusiastic towards II and keen to see Robb's work and wish him the best. I (maybe harshly) expressed my thoughts in order to add my ideas and help, I have deleted my quote because I do not want to emphasize or blame too much , I rather would like to emphasize more that further Research on the subject might be usefull! Network research is quite advanced, and their results are pretty convincing. ( Peter Csermely Captured by networks, Barabasi Albert-Laszlo scale free network research , Thomas Vicsek...etc. )
Anyways Albeit I am still missing the mentioned (Integral) Network Research, (which might be great help in the organizational issues as well) in some terms I still believe II is the best available cutting edge source of Today, and I keep my fingers crossed for it, and keep sharing my ideas.
06-07-2007, 3:22 PM |
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Re: Integral Leadership Review interviews Robb Smith
Hey there Zoltan--no worries at all! I was simply trying to track down the source of miscommunication. Thanks for clarifying, and for sharing your perspective, it is certainly valuable.
Corey W. deVos (dj rekluse) Brand Manager, Integral Naked Audio Manager, Integral Institute Managing Editor, KenWilber.com __________________________
06-07-2007, 4:19 PM |
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Integral Leadership Review interviews Robb Smith
Terrific, I thought I was too harsh.
This topic is in middle of my interest. This is my big question: how to set up a second trier association with and adequate inner system, but also with an appropriate communication surface with the current monetary and law system.
With couple friends we had many different trials over here: 1, traditional company with patents and investors, board of directors, copyrights, trademarks and whatsoever. The cardinal conflicts among the players (earths, investors, board, execs, employees) made impossible to operate on a second trier bases, so I quit.
2, ngo form was also not sueffiecient due to the traditions of the donation or largition. 3, in the final analysis we figured out a sort of social-money system, but it was too queer for the people. (more than 15% different than they used to)
So, the monetary and legal system is basically blue and orange with some green holes. A possible solution could be an enterprise which fullfills all the legal requirements, but the inner system is fundamentally different and does not hold or carry blue-orange problems.
Some ideas: I, do not have employees, find partners ( keep accountability and responsibility) II, do not have basically adversed parties (like Board and Execs), missions of the team members have to be harmonized, and deeply understand. III, do not have or hold or create copyrights or fees, some rights could be reserved, (patent is also ok) IV., do not sell services or work, work for free ideas, licenses, opinoins are the "valuable commodities". V. do not cheat tax or go tax free zone, pay taxes VI., do not use retailers, use local suppliers and create personal contacts
I could write couple hundred pages...these are distilled ideas, and still under research, and obviously the latest result of our Sociometry results, and the results of Human Networks of Barabasi are yet excluded. (not mentioning Vicsek's work, or Mero's work, or Csermelyi, or our own work.)
However, we have never ever reached significant amount of people or equity as II did!
So I always follow up with II organization news, because I know how hard your work is, and I am willing to share our results, and try to help II to not make the same mistakes we did. (your scale is just bigger, and more interesting)
If it is available and public, would you be so kind as telling me more about new II policy in the following:
1, the previously mentioned "hammered out" contract, what has been changed and why? 2, Does II intend to keep its copyright policy? 3, What sort of changes are expected about the membership rights and method? Will the fee's be increased or decreased? or be adjusted according to the your country GDP? 4, Does II intend to change its policy about employment? 5, In the future how much profit-oriented corporation will be involved? 6, Does II think about to have an European or Asian strategy? 7, Will II work with profit-oriented entities? How? 8, How the opennes will be incresed? 9, Will II contact with other Integral movements? give me a second thought on that...
06-08-2007, 11:01 AM |
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Re: Integral Leadership Review interviews Robb Smith
Zoltan, be sure not to miss this post.
I'm finding this conversation very interesting. I'm am far from as experienced as any of you, but how to bring LR legal and business structures up to turquoise, I am familiar with the challenge. Incredibly fascinating topic. I'll jump in from time to time if the conversation continues, but at the very least just to let you know how much I appreciate the efforts and ideas.
Peace, Tim
"With whom or with what are you in communion at this moment?" . . ."I?" he replied, almost mechanically. "Why not with anyone or anything." "You must be a marvel . . . if you are able to continue in that state for long." -Constantin Stanislavsky
06-08-2007, 4:37 PM |
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Integral Leadership Review interviews Robb Smith, Bakc to Blue
thanks for the link. I have seen couple videos about Integral Business with Tami and Ken, and talks with Integral Business folks, even ordered a book, but have not received and read yet.
According to "Making Love at Work video": Ken believes that in the next 10-15 years major part of the coorpartion would turn to yellow, well looking at economic data, I am not so optimistic... My major question is whether this movement would happen from down-up, or up-down way, or both?
Look: Social Responsible Movements, Social Money Tryings, and Fair Trade ideas and small privately owned enterprises like Sounds True are obviously down-up! Note: All of these entities still have to absolutely play the games of the current monetary rules. Tami's company sounds amazing, but profit and growth are oxygen due to the current set up, Do not get me wrong, I am really happy these companies are existing and alive, and spreading!
Let's see at the harder issue which is the current monetary system, I am so happy about that in the academic economic studies you can more often hear about the crisis of the current monetary system. George Soros has published a book about this issue, and several big names agreed in a certain extent. More economist agree on the idiotic way of our monetary system, and it is on its way to become a common place: Today's monetary system requires exponential growth to survive, which is against the Nature, Human Values, and our Earth, and suicidal.
So it seems both ways are moving in in a good terms, and that is so good, I am so happy about that, and the last couple years were crucial, and the information spread out fastly and efficiently without extremism.
My doubts are more focusing on the other side: incredibly giant companies are gobble up competition, and showing "communist" or let's say "aggressive" politics. Simultaneously the dominant media is losing its independence.
If you look at the enterprises fusions data of US, or the thumping illegal and unhuman actions of influential enterprises.
These data will take your breath away. One world comes to your mouths is: unbelievable. So In this terms that is clear tendency moving back to blue!
If you take a look what happened from 1985 to now: it seems that capitalism are turning back to oligarchies, endless fusions and lack of healthy competition. That is not good, that is way to blue. I do not believe in conspiracy, that is just due to the nature of the system!
On the other hand if you look whether at Europe or US, more need for green companies on the individual side! More Tami Simons are appering on the stage!
On the top of it, Russia, India, China put themselves in a fast lane at industry and economy, and it makes the picture more complex. (not mentioning the war on Iraq, and South America, or the current big running for Africa last natural resources)
So I believe we are living in extraordinary times, and at this point we do not know whether we reach green and second tier, or World organizes back to Blue. Both tendency are clearly visible.
At the end of my post there is a picture, showing oversimplifed my views.
Well, Tami and Ken used to talk a lot about the positive examples of down to up, but I have never heard them addressing the issue of top-bottom problems, and the back to blue tendency.
Well, this is a short overall, and I would be curious to hear more about back to blue tendency on June 16th.
let me know what do you think.
06-09-2007, 11:24 AM |
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Integral Leadership Review and Integral Monetary System
here it is, the book I referred to in my prev.post:
The Crisis of Global Capitalism: Open Society Endangered by George Soros Lower-Right
there are couple others google it, you can admint Lower-Left ones as well.
06-10-2007, 8:05 AM |
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Integral Leadership Review and Integral Monetary System, Transforming Corporations
and if somebody is interested in detailed, in this book, you can admit a quite good overview, also its bibliography is ok.
State of the World 2025 (Special Focus India, China) Chapter 10: Transforming Corporations (Erik Assadourian) Chapter 8: Reconciling Trade and Sustainable Development (Aaron Cosbey)
06-12-2007, 11:06 AM |
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Re: Integral Leadership Review and Integral Monetary System, Transforming Corporations
i've got a few relevant references from the past for you, zoltan:
in an IN dialogue with ken wilber, the ceo of whole foods, john mackey talks about running his company from a 2nd tier altitude, quite successfully, in fact.
in the 'topics' section of community forums within i-i commons there is a thread on holacracy, a 2nd tier form of governance, by the ceo of a software+ company.
my guess would be that KW supports a top-down holarchical organization. and i imagine he would want to avoid the either-or predicament of choosing either top-down or bottom-up. he would recognize that agency is always agency-in-communion, so holarchical top-down would allow for a certain amount of bottom-up, but wouldn't allow the bottom to tell the top what to do, i imagine: we don't want the kids telling the parents what to do!
06-13-2007, 3:57 AM |
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2nd tier business could exist? GNH?
Hi Ralph,
"John Mackey talks about running his company from a 2nd tier altitude, quite successfully, in fact."
It sounds intersting....a lot of questions came to my mind, so I will listen it. Just wondering: how could you run a company in a 2nd tier mode, when the gravity of the whole system is missing to be even green? I can believe that John has been running his company with some quality of 2nd tier, and it is great and big step, but I hardly can beleive his company is purely 2nd trier.
The people in business could be in various and multiply stage, and there are couple business people (whether exec or investor) who intends to act responsible, but (and it is a big but) interobjective and intersubjective context is obviously set up a driving force which is growth.
And at individual level you can not cope with that, collective has determine your acts in a certain extent. (There could be difference how you run your business, but your are running a profit oriented "business" with employees.)
The system (interobjective) in the business world means: monetary and fiscal system, laws, habitual hierarchy. (there are also the technoeconomical staff which was mentioned by Ken at Friends or Foes, but I believe the fiscal setup is much more important. Ken mentioning "library" is really funny, because library is rarely and limitedly has been involved in business primarily, libary is rarely profitable, library is whether a product of a charity of a rich ones or more government using taxes.).
The business guys whether investor, execs, employee have to work accordingly the system which is not bad or good, that has its own nature and own dynamics. At individual levels, you have limited space to move.
I just have finished the Transforming Corporations chapter (WorldWatch) and it clearly introduce good examples (Swiss bank gives you credit only if you are green, Citigroup action on Rain forest). But this book is clearly explores the three major limits of taking responsibility by enterprises: 1, investors pushing for profit 2, account books are not set to show or count the green or social responsible acts 3, enterprises pressure on authorities and law-system
62% of the Fortune 500 enterprises have been convicted of dreadful activities by judge. Obviously not all of their activities has been discovered. Mostly the explanation was maximizing the profit. It is a factor, which has to be addressed.
Deep Ecology Studies are clearly showing the problems, one of the book in this field is : Business Within Limits: Deep Ecology And Buddhist Economics. It says the system is similar to a very assertive child, and requires you to be so.
Peter Lang Publishing (one of the oldest academic publisher in the World) published the Business Within Limits book, so there is a certain support for it by academic world!
I believe if in a certain amount of business and political people requires a change the basic rules of our fiscal and monetary system, than the real change could happen. There are amazing studies at this field and academic ones, so it is supported. (here is a harsh example by Noam Chomsky)
Do not get me wrong I have more positive approach, and I am absolutely happy to hear 2nd tier trials at business a politics, and I believe that if these people are representing a considerable amount of people and power, than they would require to change the SYSTEM level as well, and than we can talk about purely 2nd tier business... It takes time and steps, but it is necessary.
So first it is down-up movement, and than it could turn to be a top-down, I guess mainly it happened during The Grand Exchange.
However I will listen the mentioned dialogue and come back to you. (if you are interested)
06-13-2007, 10:39 AM |
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Hi Ralph,
I listened John-Ken discussing, and albeit they did not address these issues, I liked Ken explanation on 2nd tier : 2nd tier lets 1st tier to exist and be true and develop.
I also apprecietad John thoughts on how earlier economics was thinking.
Subsequently listened Ecology and Friends or Foes by Ken, and unfortunately these issues have also not been addressed. (yet)
Here is a sort of map, about the forementioned problem.
06-14-2007, 1:12 AM |
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Re: 2nd tier business could exist? GNH?
zoltan: Just wondering: how could you run a company in a 2nd tier mode, when the gravity of the whole system is missing to be even green? I can believe that John has been running his company with some quality of 2nd tier, and it is great and big step, but I hardly can beleive his company is purely 2nd tier.
definitely not easy! first of all, john is an exceptional ceo, a good example to keep in mind as we go about shaping integral consciousness. his company has been so successful they've expanded to other parts of the u.s., from the northeast down into texas, for example, where they've aroused some stiff competition. in response to the tough times this has evidently led to, john has reduced his salary to $1 a year, explaining that he already has enough wealth that he can afford to do this when appropriate, as it evidently is now.
secondly, he's founded a green business, so even though green tends to dislike anything having to do with business, they're willing to make an exception in the case of 'whole foods': they love what they're doing as employees there, even though they tend to dislike the business aspect of it. they constitute most of the employees. orange and amber work in positions that appeal to their values, but green wouldn't. red is a problem, though. to be able to contribute to whole foods, it appears necessary to have achieved at least an amber altitude. red just has to be watched too closely, i imagine, to make it worthwhile to employee them.
what you're doing, zoltan, goes way beyond my knowledge. that's why i'm sticking to the basics.
06-14-2007, 2:00 AM |
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Hi Ralph,
thanks for inf, maybe you are right I might ask too much and too theoretical... well.. I am not so advanced at Integral Theory at all, just know some of the basics.. trying and failing to understand more about 2nd tier attitude. However, I have one more abstract question:
I am surprised about the rigidity towards the money issue, the untold premise is everywhere: raison d'etre of money is unquestionable.
I have listened and read some inf. about Integral Business, and never seen or heard money mentioned as something temporary, or changeable. I believe that the mission of money is over around green (collective level), I might be wrong.
First let's clear what is money: (from Wiki) "Money is any good or tokens that functions as a medium of exchange that is socially and legally accepted in payment for goods and services and in settlement of debts. Money also serves as a standard of value for measuring the relative worth of different goods and services and as a store of value. Some authors explicitly require money to be a standard of deferred payment."
I mean every talks or writings I have listened or read so far at II, are just missing even to hypothetically consider other possibilities as a standard of value for measuring. (Basically it is not just measuring it serves the redistribution, but we should no go into too deeply what money means now)
I do not say money is good or bad, I am just emphasizing we should take a much more sophisticated look at it, and compare with other potential ways, evaluate their feasibility at different levels and stages, and arrive at a conclusion.
There are many pros and cons of money even Today.
Currently, it seems for me there are four four major approach on this: 1, money and money system is good as it is, do not change at all 2, money is ok, current money system is not, so only the monetary system is to be changed 3, social money is the solution, which is a sort of transition 4, money is obsolete, money is unable to cope with the complexity of our world (5, I do not care : )
I am really curious what do you think about money, what does it mean at all different quadrants? How money looks from cognitive, ethical, affective, logical-mathematical, karmic point of view? How usage of money looks like at EgoCentric, EthnoCentric, WorldCentric POV? Does money have any meanings at non-dual? :) there is an oversimplified analog between Discovering US and Internet, (as both of the are an indicators or factors for change), So, would Worldcentric world use money as a standard of value for measuring or as a medium of exchange or figure out sg else?
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