“Thanks for my work with ILP, I’m in a new groove. My family and friends are impressed with the results, and some of them are getting hooked, too. Lately I’ve had bouts of joy so intense, it hurts!”
- Edith Friesen, Manitoba, Canada
  Modular, scalable, distilled, and essential—Integral Life Practice is the smartest way to wake up

Welcome to the online home for Integral Life Practice. ILP is a comprehensive and flexible program for long-term personal and spiritual growth. We’ve combined the most essential practices and methods—East and West, traditional and leading-edge—into a modular and scalable approach you can apply for real results.

The cross-training principle inherent in Integral Life Practice enhances the effect and efficiency of everything you do. But more than increasing physical health, emotional balance, mental clarity, and spiritual awareness, ILP is a practical approach to living in the post-modern world, helping you realize depth, freedom, and fullness in the midst of everyday life.

Please see our offerings for more how you can begin your own Integral Life Practice. We offer weekend and weeklong workshops, online forums, the ILP Starter Kit, 1-on-1 coaching, and access to the community of ILP practitioners around the world.

To learn more, continue to the About section>>

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