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Integral Training is where you can learn how to apply the tools of Integral theory and practice into your life and work. We offer workshops in Integral Life Practice, Integral Professional Training, and Integral Spiritual Practice. Each track makes full use of the AQAL ("All Quadrants, All Levels") Framework, and features trainers fully certified in the Integral Approach.

Our popular I-WET weekends, hosted in cities across the country, are a great way to dive into the Integral experience. Weeklong workshops provide a more extensive training container. And, at the other end of the spectrum, our home study kits, such as the Integral Life Practice Starter Kit, allow you to train in a self-directed way.

Integral Training is your chance to join other Integrally-inspired people on a path of growth and development for body, mind, and spirit in self, culture, and nature.

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